Red Crystal Shrimp.. Why So expensive?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2010
I was looking at a website that deleivers fish and inverts around the UK looking for some more shrimp for my shrimp tank. I stumbled across this Red Crystal Shrimp, supposedly a breed of bee shrimp. I liked the look of it then i scrolled down the the price £15!!! ($25) for 1 shrimp thats no bigger than 1.5cm. Whats going on here rare shrimp or something, i really like it but the price is daft.
Red Crystal Shrimp- Sale Price - Aquatics to your Door
supply and demand.

The high grade CRS (crystal red shrimp) are still fairly rare in the hobby, although their populations are gaining in numbers. Until they get to the point of having a large enough population to drive the costs down, that's how they'll be.

There was a time, actually not that many years ago, that Red Cherry Shrimp (RCS) went for that much money. Solely because there just werent enough of them to combat the need (desire) to have them in the hobby. As more and more hobbiest got ahold of some and were successfully breeding them, the population exploded and now you can get those for less than $1/each.

Eventually, CRS will get there too, but it's still several years away. Being that the higher grade ones now still require selective breeding to get the desired color schemes, it will just take time.
Some of the shrimp command ridiculous prices. As neilanh said, it's all supply and demand. Some of these shrimp are really new to the hobby and it takes some time to establish captive populations. CRS are more difficult to keep than RCS, so it takes even longer to establish them in the hobby. If you want to see some more crazy prices, look at the Sulawesi shrimps. Most of them have been introduced into the hobby world in the last few years.
You sounds like you are new to shrimp, or at least new to your exposure to Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS).

There are a few reasons CRS can be much more expensive than things like Red Cherry Shrimp (RCS), Yellow shrimp, etc.

First, CRS are "softwater" shrimp, that is, they require soft, acidic water to thrive & breed. Since the water that comes out of most people's taps is alkaline and relatively hard, this means that for the most part you can't have an aquarium filled with tapwater and use that to breed CRS. You need to use distilled/RO water and put it over a substrate that softens & acidifies the tank, something like ADA Amazonia. That's a lot of work that not a lot of people are willing to undertake. Shrimps like RCS, Yellow, and Blue Pearl on the other hand prefer alkaline, harder they are perfecty suited to tanks where people use tapwater and any ol' substrate they wish. Thus, a lot more people are going to have success with things like RCS, which drives down their price, as compared to CRS where you really only see specialty shrimpbreeders breeding them.

Secondly, even if you DO set up the proper pH/hardness conditions, CRS (and especially the higher grade ones) are still a much more "delicate"/sensitive shrimp than RCS and the other hardwater shrimps. CRS are just very, very sensitive to water conditions so breeding them is just not easy. Which again, supply & demand kicks in here. The fewer people who have success breeding them, the lower the supply which drives up the price.

Finally, unlike most other shrimp, CRS exist on a distinct "grading scale", which goes from C (lowest), B, A, S, SS, SSS (highest). Here's a good article on CRS grading, complete with pictures. CRS of the lowest grade can go for as cheap as $2-3 each. Those of the highest grade I have seen go for as high as several hundred dollars each. Each! Even the lowest-grade CRS are pretty nice looking, at least to me, so if you are interested in them I would definitely suggest getting some of those first, if nothing else than to be sure you have tank conditions that the CRS are happy with and breeding in. Once you establish that, you can always consider investing in some of the higher grade ones if you wish.

EDIT: I would be extremely wary of that site, for nothing else than they use the wrong name for the shrimp. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the shrimp hobby knows that shrimpkeepers are extremely careful to call them Crystal Red (not Red Crystal) Shrimp, in order to distinguish the acronym that is formed (CRS) from being confused with what would be formed when you write it the wrong way (RCS, which is the official acronym for Red Cherry Shrimp). It might sound like a small, insignificant thing but it's really not, it's indicative of someone who really has no experience in shrimpbreeding.
You sounds like you are new to shrimp, or at least new to your exposure to Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS).

EDIT: I would be extremely wary of that site, for nothing else than they use the wrong name for the shrimp. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the shrimp hobby knows that shrimpkeepers are extremely careful to call them Crystal Red (not Red Crystal) Shrimp, in order to distinguish the acronym that is formed (CRS) from being confused with what would be formed when you write it the wrong way (RCS, which is the official acronym for Red Cherry Shrimp). It might sound like a small, insignificant thing but it's really not, it's indicative of someone who really has no experience in shrimpbreeding.

I am quite new to shrimp keeping, i have 2 cherry shrimp and 2 bumblebee in my baby guppy tank they seem to be doing brilliant!
With that site ive not really bought many shrimp off there (only the 4 that i have) but ive purchased alot of fish from there including my gold nugget plec, my rams, swords and black phantom tetras and they've all been in very good health no deaths (apart from 1 ram that died last night, i think it was being bullied by the others) its also one of the only websites that ship fish in the UK with a good selection of L numbers most are out of stock at the moment ( i think i bought their last gold nugget :D)
But thanks for the advice on the CRS i don't think im willing to splash out that much cash on 1 shrimp even if it is very nice ill stick to the 15x assorted for £25 for my next lot.
I dont think this company are fish breeders either, i think they just import and distribute.
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