Replacement plant options

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2009
Mckinney Texas
In my 56g tank Ive got a group of Cabombas over in the back corner serving as my high point/equipment cover. Over time I have liked the plant less and less just because it seems to shed over time and since its been bushed up for so long, the lower portion of the plant is almost leafless. The growth rate of the plant is not an issue, I cut them back every week and its reallly a great plant for quick clipping transplants, but I would like to replace it with something that will grow at least 24" tall and stay very thick to cover the equipment in the rear. Just so no one has to ask, ive got 175 watts of MH light, injected C02 which would be right next to the new plant, flourite/eco-complete mix substrate, 78 degrees constant, 10 hour photoperiod, and dose ferts like theres no tomorrow. Any suggestions? Thick and tall, and I already have Red Ludwiga, Water Wisteria, Java Ferns, and Micro Swords (Narrow leaf). And a nice dark green or even some red would suit fine. Nothing bright green. Thanks in advance.
I have really been loving red temple. It grows tall, fast and has a great range of colours. Mine has shades of green, pink, red, and some leaves have even gained a deeper purple tone. I have read that this is due to love nitrates. Red temple is easy to propagate, so the one bunch I bought has gone a long way. I now have three good size bunches and use it to offset all the brighter green plants in my tank.

My tank is around 20" deep and the red temple grows to the full height without getting very spindly. I have 3.5wpg and fairly densly planted.

I also have some purple cabomba, red ludwigia, and rotala rotundifolia for colour, but none are as bright and contrasting as the red temple. It was also easy to get as it is carried by petsmart :) for $2.69 a bunch. The fancy store near me has the same plant for $8.59.

I might also recommend a red lotus. This is one of my fav plants...and has a beautiful flower. It has great colour and grows fast. Only catch I guess is that it is a bulb and just puts up new leaves on skinny stems. I find this very pretty, but it might not be what you are looking for.
have you thought about using a sword to help block it? they grow tall green there are ones with red in them. another idea maybe is vals.
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