Res info.

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turtle granny

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 17, 2011
My res -his red stripe fading or changing to paler color. Pale red yellowish color. Anyone know if that's normal or should I be worried... I worried :/ Help...anyone help:(
Yes it is indeed normal. Nothing to worry about. As RES get older then sometimes tend have their "ears" fade. No worries :)
Lovelovelove said:
Yes it is indeed normal. Nothing to worry about. As RES get older then sometimes tend have their "ears" fade. No worries :)

Thanks for the feedback...I am new to the RES world
I aquired a RES recently as well. He's over there chomping on his green leaf right now. Aren't they so stinkin' cute! is a great site for info on these guys. I joined the forum over there and you might want to do that same for your RES questions :)
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