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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 14, 2016
Hello fellow fish people!

I'm brand new to this forum, found it when I was googling fish keeping sites and now I can't keep my hands off!
My story begins when I was a 6 years old kid. I was always interested of fishing and animals overall so my first fish was an ice breaker for sure. There was a small pet store at the mall near us where me and my mom usually went to watch all the animals. I was so mesmerized of the colorful fish in there and finally after begging I ended up getting a betta fish and 10L fish bowl. My mom and dad were clueless of fish keeping so that poor betta lived his whole life in terrible conditions. Whem I grew older I started browsing library for aquarium books, we didn't have internet back then. I figured out lots of stuff and started feeling bad for the horrible life I put my first betta through.

Years passed by and my mom noticed my enthusiasm was growing pretty wild. I think it was my 12th birthday when she bought me my very first 'real tank', Juwel Rio 180. It was like a dream coming true.
When I hit 16 I got ill. I couldn't maintain the tank anymore so we emptied it and gave the fish away. 6 years later I got back on my feet and started up my Juwel Rio 180 last summer again.
Now I'm back in action, seeking another great times with this hobby!
I'm so glad you've gotten better and can pick up where you left off! I hope you don't mind posting pics, it's a popular pastime here, ogling other people's tanks. ?
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