revised stocking for the 50gal

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
here is my new plan for stocking my 50gal planted tank:
10 black skirt tetras
8 dwarf corys
4 rainbow fish
3 yoyo loaches
3 GBR (1 male 2 females)
3 Zebra Danios
2 African butterfly fish (1 male 1 female)

does this sound good?
I dont want my rams to be under too much stress. I am going to have 5 pvc pipe caves built into the terracing, and a few other rock caves. SO hopefully the loaches and the rams will have plenty of spacy. Not to mention there will be a lot of open space for the corries. I hope the rainbows and the tetras will help balance out the amount of fish in the lower half of the tank. What do you think?
Sounds like a good plan you have there. About the only thing I'd change is up the danios to 5. Everything else looks good.
As long as you wait til the tank is mature before adding the GBR's, you'll be fine. Mine are doing great. But I got mine young from the lfs, and I think I ended up with all males. But for the Bolivians, I have 2 males and a female. The cories won't bother them either, at least til you get a pair and they have eggs. But the cories are easily spooked away and don't stress the rams too much.
yah. I plan to do a fishless ammonia cycle add my plants and CO2 then once thats all figured out I am going to put all my fish in the 20gal in the new tank. Then use my 20gal as a QT, but I plan to get the GBR last. Esspecially considering i have to order them through the LFS so i get some from a local breeder.
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