Salt and Tetras do they mix ?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 30, 2003
Loxley,Alabama where rednecks run free
Thanks for being here for all the emergency needs again.. :D

Can I add salt to my tank 20gal. f/w with fruit Tetras ?..It says some tertas ?Also I understand that guppys love it that right?
I have the fruit tetras,guppys and Danios in the 20gal

I have a 10q.t with neon tetras...(thank goodness for this tank) that have bad ick and one has the cotton on each side of it's tail.(I need kanacyn and or medicated food 8O ). I have had them 2 days?...

I got some salt today to treat it...can I use it in both tanks :?: and won't sting ..... it seems hard to put salt in fresh water.. :roll:

Can I use a stress coat conditioner with aloe in it at the same time as the salt?

Again I appreciate the help with my tank..I didn't have a clue about what needs to take place first..I have been able to help my friend that just had to have one after seeing mine...I have enjoyed the articles and refer to them often..I find my self researching about a tank with just those cute green f/w puffers ..They look like little green bumble beez :)
I've got some neon tetras and black skirt tetras. Salts never been a problem. But I only put a pinch of it also into my 20 gallon.
Salt is a pretty controversial issue; so let me just say that right off the bat LOL

Salt is not recommended for tetras; they don't seem to get on well with it. In Scott's case, he is using such a small amount it doesn't affect the fish. At that low a dosage it also serves no purpose (sorry Scott!). Salt is really unneccessary for most FW except live bearers; they seem to do better and breed better with salt in the tank; say around a teaspoon per 5g or so. Mollies do better with even more - don't forget, they can live in full marine conditions as well (I saw the HUGEST prettiest mollies the other day at a lfs. They were around 6 inches long, and the color was amazing. They were in FULL salt water)

Also I suggest not using any sort of conditioner with additives, especially aloe. It serves absolutely no purpose. A healthy fish doesn't need more slime coat, and there are more appropriate additives for fish that do. Basically aloe just messes up the tank water - does nothing for the fish.

As for treating your guys. Ack. Normally I'd say use the high temp treatment; works great for neons. However, you don't want high temps for fish with bacterial infections; it can make things worse. I don't normally suggest it, but in your case I would use an ich med; either RidIch or QuickCure. Those may be enough to help the neons kick the bacterial infections as well. But be careful, neons aren't the healthiest of fish to begin with (as I think you're noticing); they may not all survive.
8O .Thanks guys for your help..The closet large pet store here the backend of the world a petsmart about 50 mile trip in heavy to the point..the petstore worker said to use AP anti-fungus..treatment for fin rot,mouth fungus and saprolignia..cotton growth..see what I have been :roll:
So I still need the ick med and can I use these two together... :?:
The one poor Neon looks so bad..I don't know what to do with it.. :cry:
Not sure exactly what AP Plus is; I know its an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals product, but I don't remember one called AP Plus. Can you tell us the ingredients? Maybe we can figure out if it will be effective against ich as well as fungus.
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