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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 21, 2011
California Coastline
How do you stop your sand from hardening? I don't know what happens when it hardens, but I heard it's really bad. Apparently cories keep sand from hardening by burrrowing in it, but mine to no such thing...
bruinsbro1997 said:
How do you stop your sand from hardening? I don't know what happens when it hardens, but I heard it's really bad. Apparently cories keep sand from hardening by burrrowing in it, but mine to no such thing...

Do you mean it's compacting? What kind of sand?

I use a toothpick on the end of my vacuum to stir the top 1/2" or so of sand. Also, PFS doesn't compact like play ground sand does. MTS are good to have to keep the sand from getting compacted or build up gas.
bruinsbro1997 said:
It's just know, premade, doesn't change water chemistry. What is a BTS?

The difference is the type of grain. PFS is a larger, round grain and PGS is much smaller and angular grain so it compacts very easy.

Yep, MTS are great for keeping the sand bed clean.

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