Saved goldfish :)

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jlk said:
The others should be ok if they eat some & it may even help the moors eye to get some antibiotics internally. Just keep an eye on your numbers because this stuff may wreak havoc on your bb though hopefully not! Good luck!

Thanks that's what I was thinking. :)
jlk said:
The others should be ok if they eat some & it may even help the moors eye to get some antibiotics internally. Just keep an eye on your numbers because this stuff may wreak havoc on your bb though hopefully not! Good luck!

Yea I agree, it won't have too much effect on a healthy fish.

The BB issues is a unknown here, shame that your tank will be the guinea pig on this occasion really.

Maybe test the day after feeding to see if ammo or trites creep up? If they do record it so it gives you a means to workout the damage etc.

Good luck with the run of medicated foods though :)

Think you and your fish deserve a healthy break soon lol :)
joejeff said:
This is some hard core fish keeping. I am impressed

Umm.... Thanks! :D lol

Scouser said:
Yea I agree, it won't have too much effect on a healthy fish.

The BB issues is a unknown here, shame that your tank will be the guinea pig on this occasion really.

Maybe test the day after feeding to see if ammo or trites creep up? If they do record it so it gives you a means to workout the damage etc.

Good luck with the run of medicated foods though :)

Think you and your fish deserve a healthy break soon lol :)

Thanks! I guess only time will tell. I'll test the tank tomorrow.

I feed some medicated food before I left the house this morning but I only had 5 minutes to watch them. No one ate any of it! So they will either eat if after I'm gone or it will dissolve and mess up the tank. It's due for a water change anyway.
i'm waiting to hear what happened. It's the middle of the night here, but I can't sleep so I came on just to check this thread.
haha! ok, it's time to try to sleep again. My stomach no longer is threatening me with bodily harm, so I will check again in the morning.
Well I just put another lot of food in and they aren't interested at all! We did have a cold snap (well 25*C instead of the 30-32*C we've been getting) so maybe they are turned off food by that or maybe they are full from the two large bits of broccoli they've had in the last 36 hours. Doing a 50% PWC now and I'll feed them again in the morning......
Mumma.of.two said:
Well I just put another lot of food in and they aren't interested at all! We did have a cold snap (well 25*C instead of the 30-32*C we've been getting) so maybe they are turned off food by that or maybe they are full from the two large bits of broccoli they've had in the last 36 hours. Doing a 50% PWC now and I'll feed them again in the morning......

That's not good, when will animals learn we give them stuff to make em well again lol.

I think if you don't feed em anything else apart from the food then eventually hunger will take control and they should munch it, hopefully...
I second that. Eventually they will have to eat it, but that can take a while because they are built to go for a while between food.
Grrr! Silly fish. It's turned cold here (in the middle of summer!!) and I think they have stopped eating because of it. I gave them some more this morning and no ones interested, again! I have 4 capsules left. Should I dissolve some in the tank? I know it could potentially kill off a large chunk of BB but that I can handle.
Grrr! Silly fish. It's turned cold here (in the middle of summer!!) and I think they have stopped eating because of it. I gave them some more this morning and no ones interested, again! I have 4 capsules left. Should I dissolve some in the tank? I know it could potentially kill off a large chunk of BB but that I can handle.

Bad little fishies!!! I would wait another day to see if they will eat the food before dosing the tank. It must be a pretty nasty tasting med! The standard dose for ceph is 250mg per 10gal once a day for ten days if this helps. I hope they change their minds! :blink:
Bad little fishies indeed! I'm going to do some sorting and (hopefully) buy another tank from eBay for the fish in Qt. then I can move him over and monitor him more closely. :)

Edit: I just checked them and Charlie (gold one) had a big gob full of food so, fingers crossed, hopefully the others will follow his lead!
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Mumma.of.two said:
Bad little fishies indeed! I'm going to do some sorting and (hopefully) buy another tank from eBay for the fish in Qt. then I can move him over and monitor him more closely. :)

Edit: I just checked them and Charlie (gold one) had a big gob full of food so, fingers crossed, hopefully the others will follow his lead!


Maybe it needed someone to step up and test it? Lol :)
We know goldies are little piggies! They eventually will get hungry enough to give it a try (well, im hoping anyway)!! Fingers crossed!! :)
jlk said:
We know goldies are little piggies! They eventually will get hungry enough to give it a try (well, im hoping anyway)!! Fingers crossed!! :)

Fingers crossed indeed!

By this time next week this thread will have more posts than my "new neons :D" thread lol!
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