'scaping and too many species? (Long post, pictures.)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sappy moment. I have been looking at this tank while blown away by how great AA is. Before lurking here it was just an empty vintage tank from a thrift store. DIY forum here is gold. Before AA let my try P. stellata "narrow-leaf," my most demanding plant was B. australis. And then AA had me grinning while I trimmed a much more pleasing layout. And that's just some of the stuff, not to mention the members. There's so much to learn here.

Perfect hobby, perfect site... thanks. 0X
looking VERY nice joe! i like the ludwigia rubin--adds some good color. now, are you sure you don't want any limnophila aromatica?????? i have TONS!!!!! all from one tiny stem that travis sent...

if you ever change your mind, you know where to get some :):):):)

please keep updating the page--it's so cool to see it all coming together...
It is looking very nice, Joe!

I agree with you - with the help of this site there is really nothing that we can't get help with, and find success! Oh, and don't forget, you've helped many a member, yourself, lol.
cat, I am sure. Let's trade in the future though :) It would be cool to see L. aromatica's leaf shapes as another variant to the similar leaf shapes in there, but I still think I need to limit it for now.
Just an update. Added rocks for my Hillstream after spending some time at The Loach Forum, but its not artistic looking or anything. Continue to hunt for good rocks. Still like the layout and its on me to get more balanced heights :)



I'm just treating this thread like a log :) Last pic with old lighting schedule, and now cutting back to 4 hours of overlapped light to slow growth. Some of Purrbox's M. umbrosum is around the tank. Moved in some Rotala sp. "Goias" from my softwater tank in hopes it adds red to the foreground on the right (stays green in that tank). Ideas welcome.

I like L. brevipes a lot more than Stargrass. I kind of like the open area and have not decided if anything is going to go in there.


L. brevipes shapes and creeps well. I'm trimming it to form a cave but my kuhliis don't care, and prefer hiding in the middle of it.


Oto party

Pretty pond snail on P. stellata "fine leaf"

The section with the P. stellatas and L. "Cuba" is really cramped. Probably won't end well, but I'm continuing to be stubborn about it :/

Looks sweet from the top


Ca deficiency on P. stellata "broad leaf?" Always had straighter leaves in the past. I'm using acidic soil and this tank is about 4dKH now. Debating limiting K or dosing Ca.

Any hints on why I. japonica's older leaf tips keep looking like this? I am dosing EI with high traces. It has a root tab. Does it want more space?

Thank you!
heh, oops. wrong window sending pm..
Your tank looks great, gonna fill in really nice. Lots of cool plants I've not seen before. Looking forward to watching it grow!
I didn't go to page two! Your tank looks amazing now! Lots of beautiful, healthy plants, and very nice aqua-scaping. You should be proud.
Thanks, Glen! I want another middwelling fish that likes current, but am undecided on which. I might just increase the school of blue tetras to get them to school (currently only have 3). I noticed you like cards... why aren't there more blue fish? :)
Very nice Joe. I'm liking the mix of rare/hard-to-grow species in close proximity. You make it look easy but, a warning to our viewers, do not try this at home :p
Heh. I still dream of copying when you did this:
So the reduced lighting period got the plants too tall. I think this is the best the tank has ever looked though. Added three blue tetras for a school of six, but as you can see they still don't school :)

Removed the rock by L. repens "Rubin" because it just took up too much room.



The glass on this tank is too scratched to get a decent pic of the P. stellata "fine leaf" underside, so here's another top view, because everybody likes top views :)

Humble homage to Travis

Decided to be proactive about the carpet and the P. stellatas and L. "Cuba" on the right. I really loved the layout above, but want to try timing it to fill in a little better.

Moved R. rotundifolia "green" from the back corner to in front of E. diversifolia. Removed Stargrass and replaced with L. brevipes. Gave B. australis and L. inclinata a little more room to spread out. Removed M. umbrosum from the rear left.

Extended the glosso area. Moved C.wendtii "green" closer to the center.

Hydroctyle sp. will be wrapped back around the piping.

Also switching to TMG for traces because I am a Tom Barr fanboy :) I hope I will be able to see the difference from Plantex CSM+B+Extra Fe, and if so will post pics.

Thanks so much!
Looks amazing! In the full-tank shots it looks like a tank 3x as big. Way cool. How much light?? What is the "P" in P. stellata?? (for us plant newbies, sometimes it's hard to look up plants when you don't know the whole name)
Unbelievable! That's all I can say. As a beginning planted tanker...how much time per day do you spend on pruning/dosing ferts/general maintainence, etc?

Oh and if you ever have a trimming of P. stellata "fine leaf" please let me know. I would love to give that one a shot in my 20gallon high (~5wpg, DIY CO2, etc).

You are an inspiration. Your tank looks amazing. Crystal clear water and healthy, hard to grow plants. Very, very nice work. I am a little bummed out about my tank right now. I needed this! Thanks!
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