Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus) by Fruitbat

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
[center:1608104d40]Senegal (Cuvier's) Bichir[/center:1608104d40]
[center:1608104d40]Polypterus senegalusCuvier[/center:1608104d40]

Written by Fruitbat

Scientific name: Polypterus senegalus Cuvier; Family - Polypteridae; Order - Polypteriformes
Synonyms: Polypterus arnaudii (not valid)
Common Names: Senegal Bichir, Cuvier's Bichir, Gray Bichir, Dinosaur Eel
Region: Nile River basin and western Africa
Maximum Size: about 50cm (19.5 inches). Aquarium specimens usually somewhat smaller.
pH Range and Hardness: very tolerant of a wide range of water conditions. Typically from pH 6.0 - 8.0 and dH between 5.0 - 19.0.
Temperature Range: decidedly tropical; temperature range between 77 - 82 degrees F.

Grouped with the Sturgeons and Paddlefish in the Subclass Chondrostei, the Senegal Bichir has characteristics that lead to it being described as a 'primitive' fish. Skeletal fossils of Polypterids have been found in rocks as old as the Triassic Period (206 - 248 million years ago). The genus Polypterus was first described by Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1802 while he accompanied Napoleon's invading army into Egypt. The name Polypterus means 'many fins' which is an apt description of all of these fish which have multiple dorsal finlets instead of a single dorsal fin.

There may be as many as three subspecies of Polypterus senegalus. Polypterus senegalus senegalus and P. senegalus meridionalis are widely accepted and there is a possible third, unnamed subspecies from the Nile River.

Habitat and Niche

The Senegal Bichir is generally found in slow-moving waters, often in swampy regions or along the banks of rivers. The water is frequently turbid (with a lot of suspended fine silt). Polypterus senegalus is primarily a nocturnal predator, feeding on smaller fish, amphibians and insect larvae.


Polypterus senegalus has an elongated body and is generally olive-brown to gray dorsally and white ventrally. There is no pattern present. The dorsal fin is divided into multiple 'finlets' which are continuous with the caudal fin (tail). The upper jaw of Polypterus senegalus usually protrudes a bit beyond the lower jaw (unlike that of Polypterus endlicheri in which the lower jaw is more prominent). The pectoral fins are 'lobe-shaped' and the fish frequently rests on the bottom supported by these fins.

[center:1608104d40]A young (3 inch) albino Polypterus senegalus in my 26-gallon tank[/center:1608104d40]

[center:1608104d40]Baby Polypterus senegalus[/center:1608104d40]

[center:1608104d40]One of the above pictured baby Polypterus senegalus after one month. Notice the loss of the striped pattern.[/center:1608104d40]

Special Characteristics

Scales - The scales of Polypterids are called 'ganoid' scales because they are covered with a coating of a material called ganoine. This material is very tough and helps to prevent water loss through the scales, enabling Polypterids to survive out of water for a day or two. They are generally diamond-shaped and often have fine, tooth-like projections at the rear of each scale.
Swim Bladder - The swim bladder of Polypterids is modified into a pair of functional lung-like structures which permit these fish to use atmospheric air. Also equipped with efficient gills, Polypterus species are able to use both means of respiration to survive. Polypterus will frequently come to the surface of the aquarium to gulp air.
Pectoral Fins - The pectoral fins of Polypterus are lobe-shaped, similar in appearance to those of the 'lobe-finned' fish like the Coelacanth (Latimeria). Bichirs have been known to propel themselves across land by using their pectoral fins as 'legs'.
External Gills - Very young Bichirs have prominent external gills very similar in appearance to those of some young salamanders. These feathery gills are lost as the individual matures.

Breeding Senegal Bichirs

Polypterus senegalus has been bred numerous times in captivity. Courting behavior, which can last a day or more, involves the male bumping the female with his snout and then chasing after her. If the female is receptive she will find a suitable location, generally in a clump of plants, to lay between 100 - 300 slightly adhesive eggs over a period of days. The eggs hatch in about 3 days. The parents should be removed after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs.

Males can be distinguished from females by the appearance of their anal fin. This fin is much broader in males than in females.

Personal Experiences with Polypterus senegalus

I have successfully kept P. senegalus on a number of occasions over the years. Among my absolute favorite fish, Polypterids are remarkably tough, durable, and very long-lived (up to 34 years in one recorded instance). I have found them to be generally peaceful among fish that are too big to be eaten, though males will occasionally fight with each other and these fights may result in some damage, especially to snout and fins. They are relatively resistant (but not immune) to most common aquarium diseases, including 'Ich' (Ichthyophthirius multifilis). There is a freshwater fluke, Macrogyrodactylus polypteri, that is occasionally found on wild-caught specimens.

Though primarily a nocturnal fish, Polypterus senegalus can be quite active in the aquarium even when the lights are on. They will frequently prowl along the bottom looking for food during the daylight hours and often rise to the surface to get a breath of air. In my experience they like a tank with plenty of hiding places.

I have kept Polypterus senegalus in an aquarium with other fish that are found in their native habitat. Some tank-mates that I have successfully kept with the Senegal Bichir include Ctenopoma species, the African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi), Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus), the African Mud Fish (Phractolaemus ansorgii), 'Kribensis' cichlids ( Pelvicachromis species), African Knife Fish (Xenomystus nigri) and the African Spotted Catfish (Parauchenoglanis macrostoma).

Because of its large adult size, I recommend a tank of at least 50 gallons for Polypterus senegalus. When young they can be housed in smaller aquariums but they will need a larger tank as they grow.

Feeding Polypterus senegalus is relatively easy. Though it isn't interested in flake food, the Senegal Bichir will greedily devour frozen bloodworms, frozen or fresh shrimp and frozen beef heart. They will also eat sinking pellets like shrimp pellets and cichlid pellets as well as the occasional suitably-sized feeder fish. If housed with other fish that are aggressive feeders, special care should be taken to ensure that the relatively slow-moving Polypterus is getting some of the food.

One special caution regarding all Polypterids needs to be mentioned here. They are all accomplished escape artists and their aquarium needs to be prepared in such a way as to block all of their possible escape routes. I once had a large (12 inch) Polypterus senegalus that managed to get out of its aquarium and decided to go for a stroll. I found it right after my cat did. Unfortunately for the cat, the Bichir wasn't in the least bit interested in being the feline's lunch and I watched as it lunged aggressively toward the cat with its mouth wide open! I returned it to its aquarium unharmed.


The Senegal Bichir, Polypterus senegalus, is an excellent choice for those who like 'primitive-looking' fish that are relatively active and have a lot of personality. They are very tough fish that will stand a lot of abuse before seeing fit to expire. As they grow they will require a fairly large aquarium and cannot be housed with fish that are small enough to be eaten.


Haruto Kodera, et al., 1994. Jurassic Fishes. T.F.H. Publications, New Jersey.

Herbert Axelrod, Warren Burgess, et al., 1985. Dr. Axelrod's Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes. T.F.H. Publications, New Jersey.

Article on Polypterus senegalus senegalus at

Article on DigiMorph of Polypterus senegalus from the University of Texas at Austin.

(Note: edited 6/13/04 to add new picture of baby P. senegalus)
(Note: edited 7/14/04 to add updated picture of baby P. senegalus)
(Note: edited 9/1/04 to correct a dreadful spelling error that I just noticed!!) :oops:
This gives me a wonderful idea for an African biotope tank, and it's a very good profile besides!

I'd just be worried that once say..the showpiece knife and bichir in said tank get to their adult sizes, the Congo tetras and/or kribensis might start "disappearing.." :)
LOL!! They might just disappear at that....though I didn't have that problem when I kept them with the African Knife and Bichirs. The Congo Tets get reasonably large and are fairly wary and fast and seem to keep out of the predator's way. The 'Kribensis' tend to stick close to their hiding places and just duck out of the way when they feel threatened. Of can never predict fully what might happen once the lights go out!

I used to have a 450 gallon African river biotope with the combination of fish that I listed in the profile (plus a few more species of bichir). It was my favorite tank of all time and I regret the day I parted with it! My upcoming 72 gallon bow-front will be set up like that (on a smaller scale).
Cunier's Bichir advice

I recently came across a pair of 3 to 4 inch Cuvier's Bichir. The pet store has no idea what they are so the price they want for them is extremely cheap. I am curious on how they might do if they were housed with a mudskipper and 2 albino clawed frogs. I am aware that the bichir's can grow large but I am hoping that they can be housed in this tank for a short time. The mudskipper and frogs are eating the same diet that the bichir's require and the tank has many hiding places and perches with a very secure lid.

Also is it better to have just one or are they OK in pairs.

Thanks for any info.

At the 3 to 4 inch size for the bichir, your mudskipper and frogs will probably be OK as far as being eaten is concerned. Do you keep your mudskipper in brackish water and does it have a place in the tank where it can get up on dry land?? If the tank is primarily set up to meet the mudskipper's requirements then it might not be the best place for a Polypterus.

Though I'm sure some will scream bloody murder....if your heart is set on getting the bichirs then my recommendation would be that, if you can afford it, you get a 10 gallon set up and use it a temporary home for the Polypterus until a larger tank can be provided. I've seen nearly complete 10 gallon setups at some of the chain pet stores for $59.00 (with a fluourescent hood) or $49.00 (with an incandescent hood). I know these don't come with top-of-the-line filters, heaters, etc. but they'll certainly suffice if you're going to use the tank as a temporary facility (and it will make a great quarantine tank when you're done using it for the bichirs).

2 male bichirs in the same aquarium will sometimes fight, especially as they mature. If you can get a male and a female then you shouldn't have any problems at all keeping them in the same tank.

Hope this helps!
Wow, Thanks for your fast responce. I just found this site and I am already impressed.

The tank is set up for the mudskipper but there is lots of open area. The mudskipper can get out of the water but it is not totally dry in that area. I am also getting ready to move everyone in that tank to a 29 gallon tank. The tank is not set up as a brackish tank but I do have a 20 gallon that is but it currently houses a pictus cat and a moray eel and they WILL be able to eat the bichir at their current size. I also have another 29 gallon tank that house larger tetras (congo, emperor, buenos aires ect...) but I also have rummy nose tetras in there and I am afraid they would get eaten by the bichir.

I guess the best option is to leave my skipper and frogs in their smaller tank and set up the 29 gallon just for the Bichir. I am an animal lover and want the best for all my creatures.

You mention that 2 males might fight so at their current size do you think I will be able to tell the sexes on them or do they need to be much bigger.

Thanks for the help.
It will probably be difficult to determine the gender on bichirs as small as the ones you're contemplating. Check the anal fin....the anal fin on the male is much broader and thicker than the female's. This is much easier as the fish matures but you might get lucky! Even if you do end up with two males you probably won't have TOO much of a problem...especially while they're still small.
Can you help me with my problem? I have two senegal bichirs for 7 months now. Bought them both at the same time and about the same length (7cm). The thing is, now one of them has grown to be about 17cm and fat while the other is only about 13cm and significantly thinner than the other. What happened here? Is my bichir stunted?

heh ! neat article!
I absolutely love my bichir..sure don't know how I will set up his final tank...

He was marked as a Nile Bichir .. Polypterus bichir bichir (not endlicheri or Lapradei Nile Bichir I dont think.)
But I do know for certain one parent was a huge fish nearly 40 inches long.
He is a funny personable critter. Noisy too... I slpet in teh room he is in and he goes "BLOOP!" everytinme he breaches. Sometimes bloop with a squaky duck sounding exhalation. I have to get a sound byte. Every time he squeaks in daytime., he gets my croaking gourami going. Eats EVERYThing!
And has already escaped and attempted the stairs. Grows Faaast! :mrgreen:
paulyeoh said:
Can you help me with my problem? I have two senegal bichirs for 7 months now. Bought them both at the same time and about the same length (7cm). The thing is, now one of them has grown to be about 17cm and fat while the other is only about 13cm and significantly thinner than the other. What happened here? Is my bichir stunted?

This is just a guess but perhaps they are the same sex and the fatter one has asserted dominance over the smaller one and therefore takes the food first and gets more food.
There is also the simple possibility that you merely have two fish with different growth rates. Just like humans, fish grow at different speeds and reach different mature sizes. You might also have a male and a female. Is there any noticeable difference in their anal fins??

As for Polypterus bichir bichir...the largest size recorded in Fishbase is 72cm (about 28 inches) but I suppose a larger one is possible. P. enderlichi enderlichi and P. enderlichi congicus are the biggies....with congicus reaching up to 97cm (38 inches) or more and enderlichi a bit longer.
Thanks for the replies. I not sure of the sex of my two fish. Anyway I am attaching pictures of them.
The first pic is of the bigger and fatter one. The second is the smaller and thinner one while the third is of them together. From you explanation, i reckoned that the fatter one is female while the thinner one is male. Am I right? Is it that males are generally thinner and smaller than females?



You're correct, 'big&fat' IS the female and 'small&thin' is the male. Look at the anal fin (the one on the bottom of the body right before the tail) on the fish....notice that the fin is long and slender on 'big&fat' but that it is shorter and thicker on 'small&thin'. This is, other than dissection (an option that is right out! :D ), the easiest way to tell a male from a female. The male will have the shorter, thicker anal fin. The size and thickness of the body is a variable thing and isn't a very good gender characteristic.

NICE pair of Polypterus senegalus, by the way!
These are fantastic fish. I've had mine for about 2.5 years. She has got the GREATEST personality. They can and often do breathe oxygen, so you will see them frequent the water line and shoot back down with a bubble.

Great review, my only thing, I think they commonly max out at 12-13 inches.

As for your two paulyeoh, fruitbat is right about the sexes. My female looks exactly like yours. Big and fat :D . Have you considered breeding at a later date.

A great book to pick up (especially if you like predators) is Jurrassic Fishes. ISBN 0-7938-0086-2. This book talks about several bichirs, including Senegalus, Ornate, and even the rope fish. Also talks about all the arowanas, knife fish, stingrays, even the giant Aba Aba. Even talks about breeding bichirs.

Good luck with your polypterus's! your lfs recently got one, but I can't convice the wife to let me get him :(

Hmmm. I've thought of breeding them but not sure I'll be able to pull it off, considering I'm just a beginner. I've also read somewhere that breeding bichirs is very difficult.

Thanks for recommending the book. However I'm not too sure I'll be able to find it here in Malaysia, and buying from the net would cost a bomb in postage. Anyway I'll try to look for it in the local library.

At what size are the bichirs mature enough for mating? Can you please brief me on what conditions are needed to achieve successful breeding?

I'll scan the pages in and send you a pm to get your email. I can email you the pages so that you can get the info for polypterus.

I'll let you know when I get that taken care of.

Hi Fruitbat and gang,

I think my bichirs have just laid some eggs. Yesterday morning I saw the male chasing the female incessantly (usually they don't bother each other). When I came home today, I saw the tank was littered with around 20 tiny white and round balls (which I presume is the egg as I have never seen excrement look like that) It was all over, on the plastic plants, pump and gravel. I transfered some out into another tank and left the rest in its original place. Hopefully something happens.

I'll include a picture in my gallery if possible so that you can see and let me know if they are eggs.

Wow!!! Sounds like you've got Polypterus eggs!! Are they clear or opaque white?? Are there any other kinds of fish in the tank that might have laid these eggs? Keep us updated!!
I have just posted a pic of the eggs in my gallery but still pending approval.

There is only a baby jardini arowana and the two polypterus in the tank. They get along well for now since the arowana is still smaller than the bichirs. Anyway the arowana hangs around the top while the bichirs hang around the bottom of the tank.

The eggs are opaque. I'll keep you updated since in your article it says it takes three days to hatch. I really hope they do. I'm so excited. Keeping my fingers crossed.

What do i do if they hatch? What do i feed them with?
Live baby brine shrimp.....and LOTS of them!!! The first week or so the babies will have a yolk sac that they'll absorb. Once this is gone then they're on their own. The babies have a tough time finding food that is scattered around the aquarium so live baby brine shrimp in vast quantities are perfect. This allows the babies to locate food without too much difficulty and the baby brine shrimp won't foul the water as badly as many other kinds of food.

Amazing!! :D

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