Severum Aggression

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 13, 2011
Hi, I started really getting into cichlids about 6 months ago. I started a 55 gal. tank and bought a Green Sev and Yellow Sev about 2 inches in size. they have grow very quickly and now the green sev is starting to chase the yellow sev and trying to dominate the whole tank. The whole reason I decided with Severums is because i was told they are very peaceful. So what is going on. Is there any thing i can do to keep them from being aggressive. my local petstore told me to that Severums do better in a group of 4 or more, But i would have to buy a bigger tank. Is this true?? Or are they just trying to get me to spend more money?? Thanks Jesslynn
Do you know if they are male or female? Some fighting like liplocking, flared gills, and chasing could be signs of breeding. Sevs are fairly easy to sex if you could post pictures. Or it could just be aggression as the fish matures, you could try to rearrange the tank decor, add a divider, or what's worked for the best for me was a "time out", where I take out the agressor for a short time. Even keep him in a bucket for 15-20 minutes works wonders.

My CA/SA are fairly aggressive and as long as no one is being hurt I just let them settle it. If there is damage being done or the recipient is constantly hiding and not eating that's another story. Then measures must be taken. As far as buying more sevs I think they're looking to make a sale. Of everyone I know who keeps sevs buys 4-6 looking for a pair them rehomes the rest keeping just two.
Severums are relatively peaceful cichlids, but they are still cichlids. In any case a 55 is going to be too small for more than one unless they're a breeding pair, they grow to 10" and claim a good-size territory.
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