shaky mollys - why?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 3, 2020
As of a few hours ago I noticed one of my balloon mollys is shaking left to right when still. I did a quick search and said it could be because she is carrying fry - she is - or the water is not good. Water checks in as Ammonia - zero, ph - 7.8, nitrate - 20 (because of fry feeding,) nitrite - zero, alkalinity - around 80. I did a 25 percent water change anyway right after noticing this. I also added 3 ml of alkalinity to raise it.

Just now, I notice the Dalmatian molly doing the same. She is with fry too.

The only thing I did was, I purchased another balloon molly Monday, and as soon as she got in, she stayed on the top corner. Found her dead in the morning, I was so upset. But the other mollys are fine. It's a 20 gallon, 9 adult fish with a handful of fry. Why are they shaking?
Lol :)

Couple of ideas -

Increasing kh / ph a good idea to try. Can help.

Water chemistry but say pesticides, contaminated driftwood, tap water issues (rare), etc. I tried rosemary wood once - betta was fine, mollies had shakes until it was removed. Melafix / pimafix another.

I would think rare but internal parasite infections can damage nerves.
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