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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 3, 2004
Santa Barbara
hey guys, i just got a 6 gallon eclipse system up for about a week now. i have 3 regular sized small (bout 1.5 inches) mollies and platties and 21 babies. what do you guys think about sharks, i was at petco the other day, and i was looking at the like red tailed sharks or whatever. do you think the sharks would get along alright with the regular sized mollies and platties if i moved the babies to another tank??? they look awsome and i wanna be able to tell everybody that i own a shark. that would be sick. thanks
I think you should probably wait until you get a bigger tank to start keeping sharks, most sharks get to be much too big for small tanks
yeah I can't think of any type of shark that will do well in that size of aquarium. Most grow to at least 12 inches long and thus require rather large tanks.
The thing about sharks, espeically the red tailed/rainbow shark, is that they can get territorial. And also, 6 gallons is a little small to house one I think, as they are very active. The red tailed shark will grow about 5-6 inches full grown I believe, but none the less, I think you would be taking a risk of aggression...even if it is the risk of it just not being happy.

Another thing about the red tailed shark is you could only have one red tailed shark and no other shark like fish. If it looks like a shark, its a threat to your red tail. So if you wanted multiple sharks, the red tail isn't the way to go. And like devilishturtle said- you will need a bigger tank for him to be happy because he will grow up to be about 6in. 6in in a 6gal is pushin it =o)
yeah, i think all of you guys are right, im gonna get my 20 gallon tank up and running, then ill get some sharks
lyquidphyre said:
Another thing about the red tailed shark is you could only have one red tailed shark and no other shark like fish. If it looks like a shark, its a threat to your red tail.
This still holds even if you get a bigger tank
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