Should I remove the snails?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
I seem to have picked up some hitchhikers. Best way to describe them is small and cone shaped on both ends. Are they friendly or should I pluck them out whenever I see one?
I'd pull em, simply because they will breed to 'pest sized' population relatively quickly. If they end up being a plant eating species, that's rough to deal with.

Kinda sounds like MTS though, reasonably plant safe, but big breeders.
Here, one came out for a photo op! They normaly dont come out so much in the open. They prefer to hide under my glosso.

get rid of them all and look for random bunches of snail eggs......its a clear solid like jelly patch usually stuck to something in the tank with 10-50 clear eggs. good luck getting rid of them, its a pain in the butt
I had 2 of those for a couple months and didn't seem to have a problem with them eating my plants. Then again they didn't live too long...both were eaten by my tanks seem to be snail death traps.
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