Show Me Your Plecos!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2005
Inspired by some of the other 'show me your ... " threads, I thought I'd start one for Plecos. I just love plecos and I love seeing how different each pleco is. I have a Sailfin Pleco who I bought labeled as a Columbian Spotted Pleco back in July of 2005. At the time, he was a little baby. Probably about 2 inches if that (smaller than a young Dwarf Gourami), but he was way to cute to pass up! Over a year later he's about 9 - 10" long and he's got to me one of the most beautiful fish that I've ever seen. Especially when he's got his fins up tall! Here are some age progression photos...

Back in July of 2005 when I first bought him.

April 19, 2006 - In a 46 gallon tank.

June 28, 2006 - The day after he was moved to his new 75 gallon home!

February 2, 2007 - Still in the 75 gallon.

Now show me your Plecos!! :)
That is a beautiful fish, sir!

I only have one pleco, and have only been taking pictures recently (got a digi cam for christmas). I have had him since october, and he has grown probably about a 1/2" since then, and has darkened up.

Here he is (this is the first pic I was ever able to get of him OFF the glass!!)

*if this doesn't work, I give up, he is a 2.5" rubberlip pleco*

I LOVE the apr 19 pic. I'll see if i can get my two to come out of hiding for a photo shoot.

Paula has been hiding out since the disgrace she has received from the media, and Jimmy, well, you never know with him...
I don't have any pics of my plecos but I'm sure Cliff will make an appearance. I think he's AAs most famous Sailfin Gib.

Nice pics Gourami!

Jimmy Hoffa, Union Leader, United Plankton Workers Union


Paula Abdul, Singing Sensation and Choreagropher for the BackStreet Boys. (not a very good pic, she is hard to get)
hsherman1986 said:
That is a beautiful fish, sir!
Thankd, but it would be ma'am... ;) You've got a nice Rubberlip Pleco. :)

MyCatsDrool said:
I LOVE the apr 19 pic.
Thanks, that's one of my favorite pics as well. I love it with the fins come up. Makes him look so graceful and very majestic. :) Jimmy looks like a baby Sailfin, am I right? What kind of pleco is Paula? I don't remember ever seeing one like that before.

Fishyfanatic said:
I don't have any pics of my plecos but I'm sure Cliff will make an appearance. I think he's AAs most famous Sailfin Gib.

Nice pics Gourami!
Thanks for the compliments. You'll have to do something about getting pictures of your Plecos. :) I know exactly who Cliff is (lets's see how long it takes him to show up in this thread) :) I'm going to have to do something to get Count's popularity up there as well. ;)
Sorry bout that Gourami! People do it to me all the time on here too ;) Til i started talking about my husband :D

darn those assumptions :lol:
Yay! Pleco thread! Very nice pics everyone! I want a QA and a rubberlip, but I think I'm at my pleco quota.

I took new pics for you! I have a rhino pleco. His name is... Mr. Rhino. 7 or 8 years old, almost 13".



Old pics, to show his size:

He's pretty impressive, but doesn't put up his fins unless I agitate him, like when I clean his tank:
fish 'n' fries said:
This is my guy when he was little--he's just a gibby... :)
Shame on you! Don't ever say"'he's JUST a gibby" :lol: Gibby's are awesome!! :D How big is he now?

Mosaic - The picture where your hand is there to show his size is quite impressive! It's hard to comprehend how big something is until you see it next to something for comparison. I'll have to try to get a shot like that of Count. Although, that's quite difficult since he's mostly nocturnal!
GouramiFanatic said:
fish 'n' fries said:
This is my guy when he was little--he's just a gibby... :)
Shame on you! Don't ever say"'he's JUST a gibby" :lol: Gibby's are awesome!! :D How big is he now?

Oh, I think he's awesome--he's just not a "fancy" pleco. :) He's still "little"--probably working on 5 inches.
Did someone say Plecos?

Here is Pat and Pete.....they are new parents!


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Jchillin - Cliff is such a cutie! Do you know how to sex the Sailfin Plecos? I'd really like to know if I have a boy or girl (I hope it's a boy because I've always been calling him a 'he'. :)

TwoHobbies - Very nice looking pair you have! Congrats on the new babies!!! :)
Pleco is essentially correct...impossible to tell. However, there are some habits that help me out (since I've named him Cliff, I have to stand on something lest we are all embarassed).

One - Stubborn as a mule...definitely a male trait
Two - Clumsy as an ox (see above)
Three - Gluttoninous
Four - Won't ask for directions and constantly crashes into delicate plant beds.

*Hopefully Wizzard~of~Ozz will see this thread and back me up. :)
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