Show off your Betta(s)!

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She gets pretty Bettas as a rule, she just generally doesn't get many females in. Today I saw a gorgeous red white and blue delta tail male she had gotten in, and a steel blue crowntail with great finnage. I got a nice pastel halfmoon plakat from her in the past, and she showed me the absolutely stunning snowy white hmpk she got in at the same time as him. Not many boring "pet store" veil tails in there often. She takes good care of them, too. She may put them in small cups but the water gets changed in them daily and she feeds them good foods. Any sick fish get pulled and treated before she will put them up for sale. She is happy to treat any sick fish people have, too. Just bring them to her and she will take care of them and do all she can do to get them healthy again, free of charge. My neighbor has done that a few times.

That's one great lfs :) it's really nice to hear how she cares for them, not a lot of places are like that. Hmpk bettas are stunning I, ve seen a few gorgeous ones on ebay but my lfs doesn't sell fancy bettas. I got mine from my lfs he's a veil tail. Would love more but don't have the room :)
Well there has been a little tussling for dominance but everyone seems to be doing ok. Lots of hiding spots and 56 gallons of real estate to spread out in.
Well there has been a little tussling for dominance but everyone seems to be doing ok. Lots of hiding spots and 56 gallons of real estate to spread out in.

Pictures please!!! They looked beautiful in the cups, can only imagine how great they will look in a huge aquarium! Happy fish :)
Pictures please!!! They looked beautiful in the cups, can only imagine how great they will look in a huge aquarium! Happy fish :)

I took some nice shots last night on my phone but the app kept crashing when I tried to upload. Trying again though!





Dont mind the hideous plastic plants... just added them for some extra hiding spots.


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This is Loki, newest addition. The camera does NOT do his colors justice!
He is all pastel purples blues and pinks

Hmmm Pic didn' edit and try again!


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This is Clarence...he's a little camera shy! He lives happily in a 10 g heated tank with some Cory cats.


That's so amazing. How did you get this to work?? It'd be awesome!

*iPhone pics.

Got two bettas together. A dragon scale and a normal one that was injured and I've helped it along.

First of all, they DO NOT fight. At all. My dragon scale has been there for 6 months and the other guy for four. The little guy had no tail and was very skinny. Now his fins have grown, he is swimming better and his tail is longer than in the pic. He gets really excited when I get near the tank and it's hard to take pictures of him.

They never flare at each other. They're housed in my 30 gallon and share it with two baby black mollies, one larger black molly (used to be a baby too :) ), a pleco, a tetra, and two clown loaches. Very peaceful tank.

Two others in separate small tanks. The blue guy looked like the other without a tail and very afraid. I like buying the hurt/sickly bettas to help 'em out. I love how they progress and "love" me back when they feel better.

I like the bettas that have been posted here. Nice vibrant colors! (y)

It's probably because he was sick when you started housing them. The healthy one didn't consider him a threat, and the sick one didn't feel like causing any problems. Now that he's healthy 4 months later, they are used to each other. Bettas also have fairly diverse personalities, some are lovers, some are fighters.
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