*sign* update on pea soup

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2003
Earlier this month I had posted about a 55 gallon aquarium at skool that looked like pea soup. I did a 50% water change and came in to skool two days later and the tank is fine. Since then the tank has gone back to pea soup. I took a sample of the water from the tank and the faucet. Nothing in the faucet water and the tank water had small trands of algae floating around in it. The algae is green not red which I learned meant there might not be enough light. The tank has two goldfish in it which are supposed to be mess but that wouldnt account for the algae. Would blocking out all light in the tank kill the algae? Lowering the tank temperature? It's at about 78/79 right now. Or is it too many diatoms and I need to spend who knows how much on a diatom filter? Is it also possible that there is a product like alge-destroyer that would kill it? Sorry for so many little questions in this post Im just trying to take this problem from all angles. TIA
First off, the goldfishes are coldwater fishes. I guess you could reduce the temperature. Green algae = too much light and too much food. Does light fall directly onto the tank? Are you sure that only one person feeds the fishes? At school, it is frequent to have many people tempted to feed the fishes...

I suggest i) to reduce the amount of light, ii) check for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate readings, and iii) reduce slowly the temperature
At a school it prolly gets high levels of artificial light sufficient to keep the algae going, unfortunately. And didn't you have sun hitting a portion of that tank (which will make it darn hard to control temp) Cover that corner with a double side decorative background.. And doesn't you indulgent and lame teacher want a project with egglaying fish...
You were asking about danios and we said "get rid of the feeder fish" then?
Those feeder fish are no where near adult..meaning breeding.... and a 55 cant do it then, anyway. They are are just taking up water oxygen, filtration abilities and space. I love golds but this is not a place for them with your class plans! How big are they now? 4-5 inches? bigger?

I thought you had got Kribs for the school tank and were trying to get it running stable?

For the golds for now..turn the heat down just around 70.
Need current tank stats..
Size of the golds
Type filter(s)
and the ph in your region was somewhat hard and alkaline wasn't it?

As this has been ongoing since the Christmas Holidays season..I say strip that &*%^! 55 and just start over! Save some media in a bucket of the original water with the filter. And keep an eye on the algae when it tries to return. Throw a ton of algae eating shrimp in there while you do a careful mini cycle. Get some loaches or something..or cories..at least then if nothing else is decided maybe they will breed in all that space. Give those feeders away! And if they were yours take em back home so they are not slowing the project down and using the class budget in the meantime. To a pond keeper. Or trade at a small local pet store for some credit. Having them has wasted 3 months of valuable time that you would have fry by now... :( With them in there it is like having only a cold water 30 gallon and still your occupants cant fit in their mouths. And can't lay in the open (carp golds will eat the eggs and fry asap). All these restrictions for two fish that are going to outgrow that tank is just ludicrous. WHY -why -why?are they still there? :? :?
double post..edit and change
But I kinda remember you only becauase I thought how neat it would have been to have a project like that when I was in HS or college.
And thought that the golds being given to schools idea is getting old. Schools should refuse them. They can buy their own $1 fish, if golds are needed, don't need to be loaded with rejects that people who impulse bought them dump all around when they realize what pita they are.

edit: speakin' of spellin' I am the Queen of typos this week.
*sigh* kids these days just can't spell :wink:
Search the Getting Started and Sick Fish forums--there were a couple of posts about murky/green water within the 10 days.
I know the kribs are at home and the other day you were asking about danios. I don't see the danios in your sig. Have you bought them yet?
Alright here we go.

Tank parameters:
pH- 7.1
everything is less than .25 ppm
temp at 78
Goldfish are at around 3 inches
There are 7 Danios in there but arent full size yet
There is a large aquaclear filter on it not sure on its make but its same size as my emperor 400
The back and sides are covered in black construction paper so no sunlight is in and the teacher has kept the lights on only from 7-2
No sunlight is reaching the tank
Water hardness was kind high I believe I'll have to check that tomorrow cuz I did a water test and wrote it down
LOL Im gunna keep the Kribs in my own tnak and let them spawn on their own time
I told the teacher we need to get rid of the goldfish and she agreed so she'll take them to a lfs this week.
No other kids are feeding the fish as I locked up the food in a drawer
Thanks, I'll look for some at my lfs next time I go (hopefully tomorrow)
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