Simple questions

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Pain Devine

Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 17, 2003
Madison Wi
I have a few simple questions...

1. In all the info I've read about refugeums, no one has bothered to mention what kind of medium the plants grow in. I'm assuming Livesand but my LFS only sells gravel and crushed coral. They don't even sell 'dead' sand. Will coral work? Shipping on sand is nutz!!!! I don't want to mail order it.

2. Whats the difference between LiveRock and BaseRock? I know that price is one thing. Base rock is a heck of a lot cheaper. I'm assuming that liverock is just prettier? I still plan on getting live rock but I don't see any reason to put a $50 rock at the bottom of a pile where it'll never be seen. If base rock will work I'd rather put that down there. Maybe that's why it's called "Base" rock?

1. In all the info I've read about refugeums, no one has bothered to mention what kind of medium the plants grow in. I'm assuming Livesand but my LFS only sells gravel and crushed coral. They don't even sell 'dead' sand.

Look at home depot for SouthDown Tropical PlaySand or Old Castle tropical playsand. If your LFS does not carry the dead sand...they can get it for you, I assure you. If worst comes to worst, I would use 100% silica sand rather than crushed coral.
I still plan on getting live rock but I don't see any reason to put a $50 rock at the bottom of a pile where it'll never be seen. If base rock will work I'd rather put that down there. Maybe that's why it's called "Base" rock?

(y) (y)

Most LR on the bottom of the pile will become base rock.
Well base rock is usaully sold dry and initially serves no benifits. As bacteria colonizes on it it becomes live base rock which serves as biological filtration. It is mainly used under Liverock in dislay as it isn't as pretty. But eventually if exposed to the right elements (lighting etc.) it will grow coraline algea, host little critters, and become just as nice as any other LR.
Ah! that makes sense... the base rock at my LFS is in a tank and covered with algee just like the live rock. But it's all square and blocky looking. And the algee doesnt look as nice as the live rock stuff does.
I used a mix of miracle mud and macromedia by caribsea. It has been a great medium for all the macro I have.
As for the base rock, I used what is called Lace rock. It is light and porous, and comes on very attractive shapes. Benifits are that you can get more for your dollar and since it is so porous, it will become a good bio filter, quickly. In my fuge, I have a 4" DSB. It seems to work fine.
Cool, thanks for all the info. I really apretiate it. I'm off to the woodshop to build a stand for the tanks now...
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