Smallest Pleco?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2006
Pullman, WA
What is the smallest pleco you know of? I have heard of the bristlenose pleco, but was curious if there are any smaller ones available?
I hear rubber lips are kind of small. Actually i've heard up to 5 in, scratch that. Mine never got too big though.
Gotta get fact-checkin', dont i.

If you are including pitbulls, Parotocinclus jumbo, then you should add ottos. Pitbull are a bigger relative. A quick look at planetcatfish found several species of otos listed at 1.3" max.
If you're lucky, you can find an albino bristlenose "runt". 1" and no more. I have one and the only way I know he's in the tank is by examining the underside of leaf plants.
But appart from the plecos there are the ancistrus that they are in general smaller, correct? I think they do the same job practically and they have the same habbits..Does anyone know about?
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