Snail antennae

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2003
Kentucky, USA
I guess that is what they are called. Anywho, I have a snail that I have had since it was young and small. It has since more than doubled in size and its antennae have grown as well, of course. However, just a minute ago I noticed they were short. Both of them are really short, and from what I can tell they are at even lengths. Do they shrink or fall off and grow back or something? I had a couple of larger snails previously and never observed anything like this. At first I thought maybe something in the tank had bitten them off, but since they are both short and at even lengths, I don't think that would be it. Any explanations?
i think its just still in the shell. you should wait like a couple mins without touching or moving or touching it and then it should come out.
Maybe it opened up under the heater adn sizzled its stalks short...

Maybe someone snipped both at nearly once and they are just growing back evenly...
I wouldn't worry about it that much unless there are odd water oarameters or fish acting strange.
They can stretch them out or scrunch them back up at will. That has been my experience with almost all types of snails I have come across.
snapcrackler said:
They can stretch them out or scrunch them back up at will. That has been my experience with almost all types of snails I have come across.

My Black Mystery Snails do this all the time - whenever there were fish around they made their antennae short - at first I thought they had been bitten off. Now that they have their own tank, they are stretching them way out.
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