Snail Eggs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2004
I was just wondering if anyone knoew what snail eggs looked like? I ahve some sort of clear stuff on my glass and it has what seems to be little round things on it. My tank has a lot of pest snails i dont want and i want to know what these things are so I can maybe kill them and get rid of them

Yes the little pond snails that infest plants lay eggs in a clear jelly like blob underwater. They are almost impossible to see unless the tank is empty. I had a ten gallon that I cleaned wth beach to get rid of the snails. I failed to scrape all the jelly off apparently because the eggs still hatched even after being bleached! Those snails are like the plague.
i knwo lol. i tried to get rid of sum tongiht just picking them out, and they are everywhere. and those eggs are all over the place, i tried to get it off but it was just to hard lol.
lol i know. soon it will all be over hopefully lol. i get my new tank in about 2 weeks. im excited. that live plant that brought them all in will definietly not be going in there lol.
I have a question about snails actually. I have a spotted green puffer that LOVES them. Less than 24 hours after adding him to my tank, not a single snail could be found. I spent so long trying to get rid of them, and now I had to go to the LFS and buy some!! haha

I got some snails and I'm trying ot breed them. I don't know what kind they are, they didn't have a tag. The girl just kept referring to them as "standard brown plant snails." They had the apple snails and mystery snails and stuff for $1-$3 each. These ones were only $0.25/piece. So anyways I'm trying to get them to breed. I got 6, and stuck them in a rubbermaid container (was told 1 gallon milk works perfect, this is a little bigger than that) and put in some lettuce, carrots, etc. They seem to be thriving. Eating all the food that's in there. The thing I'm wondering is I've read in some places that some snails are asexual, and some actually require male/female. Without knowing scientifically what type of snail this is, would anyone here happen to know? Or offer any tips on getting them to lay eggs? Hehe.

The reason I'm asking now (have only had the snails for 24 hrs) is because I just looked in there and 2 of them are (I don't know how to say this other than) belly to belly. Assuming that they aren't asexual, I don't know if snails actually even have "sex", but they have been like this for a while.

End rambling now. Hah

cant help u there mine just breed and there are many that i dont want lol. i think they all came in on this live plant i bought it was called hornworts or sumthin, i tihnk. it was the cheapest plant at the lfs adn they siad it dint need n e thing special. it basically looks like this

i wish i could get rid of mine fast lol.
wilson, a piece of advice. If you want to get rid of the snails, anchor some lettuce to the bottom of your tank before you go to bed. The snails will come to eat it overnight and will be on the lettuce when you wake up in the morning. Then you can just dispose of them. This seems to be the eastiest way I have heard of. HTH
The little pond snails are hermaphroditic. They all have male and female organs. They do have sex, but then they both go off and lay eggs.
Flipz, if you can, post a pic. They could be a number of things. MTS are very common and multiply rapidly. I picked some up three weeks ago to help aerate the sand. This morning, my fiance was showing me baby snails :roll:
They have some kind of drops you can put in your tank to kill the snails and their eggs. That was what I used to get rid of my overcrowding snails and it didn't harm my fish at all. I hope everything works out. Maybe you should send your snails to Brent. :lol:

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