Snail or fish eggs?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 27, 2011
Isle of Wight, UK
Are these fish or snail eggs? I've got tetras corys, ottos, and guppies. I know it's not the guppies, but I don't know if they are snail eggs or one of my other inhabitants :)


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I know corys will lay eggs on the glass mine usually do it more down at the bottom of the tank.
Really? They're cory eggs?! How exciting!! Shame mr guppy ate them all :(
Does that mean that I've got a male and female cory then, or can females lay eggs without a male?
they can lay eggs without a male. If they are all near adult size they shouldn't be too hard to sex, females are typically larger and more round shaped while males are smaller and skinnier.
Fishies86 said:
Are these fish or snail eggs? I've got tetras corys, ottos, and guppies. I know it's not the guppies, but I don't know if they are snail eggs or one of my other inhabitants :)

If they are in bunches on the glass then snail eggs. If not then they probably aren't eggs cas usually fish will spawn only in a tank with just a male and female, not in a community tank
I have heard of lots of cases though o people that have just spotted fry swimming around an can't figure out how because they are in a community tank, so I suppose it might be possible. They were spread out across the glass, not in a clump. They were a clearish jelly type thing, about half the size of garden snail eggs, and they looked flatter than garden snail eggs.
Fishies86 said:
I have heard of lots of cases though o people that have just spotted fry swimming around an can't figure out how because they are in a community tank, so I suppose it might be possible. They were spread out across the glass, not in a clump. They were a clearish jelly type thing, about half the size of garden snail eggs, and they looked flatter than garden snail eggs.

Well the could be Cory eggs like others said but its not likely and depending on the type of snail the egg sacs would look diff
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