Snails in a 5 gallon

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 27, 2011
So I keep reading about everyones snails and have decided that I think I want to add a snail (or two) to my 5 gallon betta tank.
currently I have 1 betta, 3 neons in there, but the neons will be moved as soon as I am done treating my other tank.

how many snails can I put in there with my betta? and do some have a larger bio load than others? what do I need to know about snails??

my lfs said to put one mystery snail in there. said the egg sack floats and I can just pull it out and then no more snails - just the one. wouldn't I always only have one if I start with just one?

I saw the nerite snails can not reproduce in a freshwater - they need brackish water. was thinking of getting a couple of those, but I am open to suggestions.

thanks for your help!
The mystery or apple snail will reproduce in your tank. They have a fairly large bioload for their size. Honestly, all I ever buy are nerites because they're so good at cleaning, they look better (IMO), and they don't reproduce. I'd get one or maybe two if you get the nerites. If you get a mystery or apple snail only get one, you'll eventually have more;)
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