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I'm sorry ment no offense at all please don't think I did

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Oh you can also put a piece of fake or live plant to help give babies cover incase she drops when your not their

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No offense taken, no reason to be offended. You are so helpful, and taken your personal time to help me. Well my eyes aren't that great, I'll ask my little girl if she sees dark spots. The picture I showed you earlier is her home. There's grass and anacharis, then on opposite side some whisteria. If I have these names spelled right. But one area is 2" wide and the other only about 1" wide.

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Good trim some ancharius and put it in babies will also eat it

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Ok I don't have much but can pick some more up tomorrow. It's even on sale for 2.50..

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Just something to help even a cheap fake small plant take weight off and let float in the baby hanger

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No prob glad to help someone who cares

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Snipped a piece of anacharis and put it in the breeding net, gave mama some flakes and bloodworms. Just a very little bit though. I didn't see dark spots that would be eyes, but kids did. :) We'll see what morning brings

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Ok if she really starts hanging low to bottom could be very close

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Oh really? She's been that way most of the afternoon, with an occasional poking her nose at the bottom of the net. Your a huge help.

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Yup close I would say if she sits and hovers nearly swinging side fins I say up she's gonna pop lol

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Ok yup just send a message ok have good night

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Referring back to the question of if you only want one snail.. I'd get a mystery snail. They are attractive, don't lay eggs under water, and are very effective at keeping the glass clean. I find them decorative as well, they come in several nice colours. Ivory, blue, gold, purple, near black too. Shells can be striped or solid, gold, ivory or brownish, and any body colour can be in any shell colour. They can live for some years and get to be about the size of a golf ball, give or take. Aka apple snail, but be sure it's not the giant apple snail. That gets to the size of a baseball and eats plants like mad. Mystery snails won't eat plants unless they are very hungry, but they will eat dead plant material, left over fish food and they adore algae pellets or wafers. I have dozens of them, mainly babies I'm growing out, but the glass in their tank is always spotless.

If you end up with a female mystery snail, she might lay eggs, but she'll do it above water and you can scrape the clutch off when it dries and throw it out if you don't want the babies.

Nerite snails are also excellent glass cleaners and I'm very fond of them, but they do lay eggs, everywhere. They can't hatch unless they're in salt water, so you won't have babies, but some folks are unhappy with the little beige dots of eggs all over every surface.
Pregnant Platy???

Aces, heres the pictures you were asking about... this fish is in my 29 gal right now. I am concerned IF she is pregnant she will drop when i am not home and they will all feast on the fry...
I have had a couple guppy drop fry and sadly I lost all but 1, just netted one tonight by mistake and i think it was guppy/molly mix.. :( . i was totally bummed when i didnt see him then saw him in the net with all the nasty stuff as i was doing my daily sweep.
What the heck its saying to big.. i dont know how to change them .. let me see if i can figure something out.. gotta put little one to bed first
I'll get back to you shortly
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