so I need more light....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
San Diego Ca originally started with a 55 gal tank and got to the point that the tank cycled...but then I had to redo my room so I had to get rid of the tank, now my room is done and it is time to start another tank. I sold the 55 and just picked up an 80 yesterday so now I need some new stuff. this is what I have, what would you recommend?

lite: Coralife 48"2x65w
Filter: Cascade 1000 (good to up to 100gal)
Heater: Stealth 250w

So...I was wondering what all of you would recommend adding.

for lighting I was thinking about either the coralife 36"1x96 or the AH supply 1x96. the coralife is actually going to be a few dollars cheaper but if the AH is $15 better then ill go ahead and do that.

Im not really sure about what to do with the filter...should I get another canaster or an hob or should I run a sump and sell the new cascade? I really have no clue

and for the heater what wattage do you think? im going to have one heater at the input of the canaster and one at the output
How about one of those new Corallife dual T5, 48" (I am assuming that your 80 is 48") long, and plenty of light.

The filter is probably fine....if you feel you need to, you can always add another smaller one later.

For heat, toss a second, 150W-200W heater on the other end of the tank....nice and balanced, plus a bit of redundancy.
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