So im going from a 20 gallon hex to a 90 tall.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 21, 2011
What is my best bet for jumpstarting my cycle without having to add my four fish from to 20 gallon right away.
The best way is to do a fishless cycle with some media from your old tank to seed it with bacteria. Simply put some media in the new tank and add some ammonia. Your cycle should take a lot less time.
The molted media is very minimal. I have an aqueon filter with the cartridges and there is very little carbon it them. I also read that the rocks from the old tank would work as well.
Gravel will be a decent alternative to cycled media. Carbon is not really necessary during a fishless cycle in my opinion. In fact, carbon is probably overused in tanks these days. Unless there is something specific that you want the carbon to remove then it really isn't needed on a regular basis. At least that's my opinion.
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