So its finally done and cycled

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!! I think so too!! Probably on monday im going to get my BGK and another fish of some sort. I just want to wait a couple more days of testing to make sure no levels spike so i know everything is good. Its been perfect for about 2 weeks now and i had some algea growth before i redid the tank. I kept it in direct sunlight to speed up cycling process :)
What did you use as your ammonia source? If you're going to wait more than 48 hours to put fish in I'd recommend dosing to sustain the bacteria.
It looks really nice, you should take some pictures with your fish in there so we can see! The only suggestion I would have is to considering adding some live plants in there the next time you decide to add more plants. Artificial plants are nice, but live ones are so much more fun and can really make a tank look beautiful.

Congrats to yet another person with enough patience and respect for this hobby to properly cycle their tank before dumping a bunch of fish in it :D
@neilanh: I was told to let dead bloodworms or something like that to dissolve and rot in the bottom of the tank and then clean the stuff out and put in some chemicals to make the ammonia go away.. but i was sort of confused on that because he didnt give much details.. so i went with a bacteria supplement from top fin. It adds special bacteria that pretty much coats everything and starts up the cycle.. and that was two weeks ago. I did see a nitrite spike and then a nitrate spike.. but when i was testing it two times a day for the past two days.. everything has been normal. Nitrite at 0 and Nitrate at .035 and Ammonia at 0. So regarding that plus the minimal algea growth on my tank and my filter bags.. id say im about ready for fish. That correct?

@neurotik: I KNOW!! I really wanted to make it planted.. but it just seems that it would have been more work for me at the time. Im really trying to get my tank stable with fish and all and have the tank mature. Just so nothing dies on me. I was conentrating my time on keeping the fish alive and well lol. But seriously.. i've looked at the planted tanks in the freshwater showcase and honestly.. they are some of the most amazing things i've ever seen. But yeah, once my tank is mature and its stable for good.. and i have enough money for new light bulbs for the plants! lolol.. then i will start putting in live plants. Just for the record.. i do love live plants way more than artificial. Way way more.
Don't feel rushed with adding the live plants, you have plenty of time to add to your tank and change it over time until you get everything just right.. if that is even possible, lol. It seems like every week I think of something that I want to change or add with one of my tanks, the possibilities are endless!

Regarding your cycling, if you were testing your water closely (twice a day is good, like you were doing) and you could observe your ammonia levels rising at first, and then eventually starting to drop and be converted into nitrites, causing a nitrite spike, and then ultimately being left with nitrates, I would say your cycle is going along nicely. The only thing to be careful of is to make sure you continue giving your bacteria an ammonia source until you get some fish in there to do it for you, otherwise your bacteria colony will die off and you'll put some fish in there and wonder why your ammonia levels have spiked and your water is white and cloudy. The only other thing I would suggest is to make sure you add fish slowly and give your bacterial colony time to catch up and become big enough to handle the bioload that you are ultimately planning on having in your tank.

Good luck! Any more questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks so much for the information again. I didnt even think of that.. my bacteria colony dying off. That wouldnt be to good. As for the fishload.. i only planned to add two fish my BGK and another fish of equal status to get things going.. then when things are stable.. or going along well.. then i would start adding fish. Im not going to be adding that many fish.. like hoards of them.. only because iw ant my BGK to get kind of big. Also, it seems like just having a good amount of fish and then adding alot plants in the future would be awesome. I wanted to make it like a well-pruned jungle in there lol. Since its 55gallon.. im sure ill have enough room for it all easily. lol.
When I first started my 55 gallon I did the same thing. I just set it up with some decorations and cycled it and then slowly started adding fish that I wanted. Eventually I wanted more out of it (naturally), so I started reading about the live plant stuff and now I have a tank full of plants and it looks really cool. Lots of pruning to do each week when I do my partial water changes though, haha.
Congrats man, I know what a pain it can be to wait for that cycle to complete. the ammonia in my 50g just started dropping from 5ppm to 0 in about 12 hours so now I just have to wait for the nitrite to drop. I have a question though, ignore my noobness, but what's a BGK?
Ahhh that's what I thought it might be. Will one of those work in a 55? I thought they needed like a 6' long tank because of their size.
I've never kept one personally, but yes, they can grow to be quite large. I would assume you would need a tank much larger than 55 gallons for a fully grown BGK, but 55 gallons will probably be fine while it is still growing some. I'm doing a similar thing with my clown loaches, I have them in a 55 gallon right now, but several years down the road when they (hopefully) grow to be quite large, I will be moving them to a much larger tank. Probably around the 125 gallon range or more.
Well yeah.. the minimal tank size for the BGK's is like 50gallons. Even then they will grow pretty big for their size. Its only in tanks 100gallons+ that they will grow to be pretty big or even reach their full 20". I've seen 12" BGK's that are in 55gallon tanks before.. so you wont really know till you've tried it right? :)

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