So many questions. Much advice needed!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2013
I am a new member and I have so many questions. I don't even know where to start! Because of a variety of topics in this post, I hope my post is alright being posted in the 'Saltwater Reef Aquaria' due to the latter part of this.

I have 2 main freshwater tanks consisting of a 10 gallon vertical hexagon tank and a 20 gallon rectangular tank. My 10 gallon tank has 3 African Cichlids, 3 South American Cichlids, and 1 Pleco. My 20 gallon tank has 2 Oscars, 3 African Cichlids, and a Pleco. I am also working on setting up a 55 gallon tank.

My first question is about African Cichlids compared to South American Cichlids. I have heard so many different stories I'm not sure what to do. Right now I had to separate one of my SA (Firemouth) cichlids because he would never leave a small spot behind the filter; I have a feeling he was picked on so much and he even started to float and could only try to swim down. Since I have removed him from the 10 gallon tank and put him in a small temp tank, he has improved almost 100%. He is able to swim like normal and has actually became more personable when feeding, unlike ever before.

They have been just fine in the tanks I have them in, except for this incident, but is there a better suggestion of placement?

My second question is about the Oscars and African Cichlids. There are so many different suggestions to go by on how many fish per tank or how many inches of fish per gallon. What would be a good recommendation? Also, I am setting up a 55 gallon tank and deciding whether to keep all freshwater and if I did so I would be 100% on moving the Oscars and African Cichlids into the 55 gallon tank, move the SA cichlids to the 20 gallon, and try the 10 gallon with community fish (the girlfriend was "nice" fish :whistle:) lol.

OR--->My other option, which I have really wanted to try my hand at, is a 55 gallon saltwater tank. Is it worth trying the 55 gallon as a saltwater tank and keeping my freshwater tanks as is (with suggestions on fish placement)

I know it's a lot to process, and especially since it's a first post from someone new. Any advice is welcome!
-D. Shaffer
Oh wow! Um.. I don't want to come across rude in saying this but I see trouble in your future! I would actually take all the African cichlids you currently have and put them in the 55gal I would recommend you finding another large tank for the Oscar and other South American cichlids I would make the 10 gallon either a planted tank with some shrimp or small fish and keep the 20 as a quarantine tank. You may need it when your fish start to mature and personalities clash.
Oh wow! Um.. I don't want to come across rude in saying this but I see trouble in your future! I would actually take all the African cichlids you currently have and put them in the 55gal I would recommend you finding another large tank for the Oscar and other South American cichlids I would make the 10 gallon either a planted tank with some shrimp or small fish and keep the 20 as a quarantine tank. You may need it when your fish start to mature and personalities clash.

Don't worry about rudeness at this point. I understand I may have made a few wrong turns getting to where I am now and that's why I'm asking advice. I can work in another tank for quarantine. At this point though, one Oscar is 5 possibly 6 inches long while the smaller is only 3-4. The larger one keeps getting larger and the smaller, not so. And just recently the bigger one has been nipping at the smaller? I'm not sure why but again, I'm looking for answers. The 3 African cichlids in that tank are all about 4 inches long.

Maybe I should have mentioned that all the fish I have are relatively young. Even all the fish in the 10 gallon are pretty new, with all the African cichlids being 2-3 inches long while the SA cichlids are at 2. Nothing is set in stone at this point, so I am very open to suggestions and learning.

Maybe I am wrong, but if I'm to put the 55 gallon to freshwater, wouldn't it be better to put the Oscars in the 55 as they are known to get pretty big? I have enough cover in the 20 gallon where the cichlids seem happy for now. If I am wrong say so, but I've always been told that fish will only get so big in relation to the tank size?
Fish will continue to grow internally no matter how big of a tank they're in. When you have a fish in a small tank they usually suffer from what's known as stunting. It's when their insides literally out grow their bodies and leads to early deaths. The reason why I said to put the Africans in the 55 is because ideally you need at least a 75 gal for the oscars. From what you've just told me if I were you I'd be looking for that ASAP. The larger one (from what you posted) is already showing signs of aggression towards the smaller one and I can understand why. They're squished in too small of living space.
I can see where I have put myself into a position where I would run into trouble in the future. See when starting out my first tank, I did not know that African Cichlids and SA Cichlids clashed.. not until I finally did my research and heard about problems with the two.

:facepalm:So now I have two different kinds of fish that can potentially grow to decent sizes, and only one tank big enough. Yikes, and I hate to say I do not have quite enough room at the moment to acquire another larger tank. I really don't know what to do now.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Honestly it wasn't too long ago that I myself were in a similar position. I had mixed Cichlids too. South American, Asian and Africans not too mention a few others that had no business being in there. I lost a few really nice fish because I didn't know any better. You've got a couple choices, look at your options. You can juggle them around and find a used large tank or if that's not feasible you could always list them for sale or see about trading them at a local fish store? Worst case scenario (if you really don't want to part with them) buy a big Tupperware container and set it up with a heater, air pump and filtration until you get the tanks sorted? The good thing is you're looking for answers. That right there shows you care :)
Those tanks are way to small. The minimum tank size for an oscar is 75 gallons they're nasty fish. Get the africans a 75 and get the rest of them a 125 gallon.
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Those tanks are way to small. The minim tank sizefor an oscar is 75 gallons theyre nasty fish, i personally just find this a cruel post... Get the africans a 75 and get the rest of them a 125 gallon. Or honestly get rid of all your fish.

Hey dimmer its alright we all make mistakes. I have my Oscar in a 90 gallon with another cichlid which im getting rid of soon. Its a beautiful Cuban cichlid if you're interested dimdim haha. But anyways the Oscars are really aggressive and really should be by themselves. But I had another Oscar I had to return after my brother gave it to me since my two couldn't get along in a 90gallon tank. But the different types of cichlids struggle living together due to the pH of the water they like to live in. If I were you though I would get rid of all the fish and use any store credit your lfs offers you to start the 55 gallon sweet setup! Good luck!
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I appreciate all the help and comments.. I understand that some may get upset that I have made some mistakes, DimDim, but understand that I came here to ask questions and get advice for a reason..

Until I can acquire a larger tank, I am setting up my 55 gallon and putting the 2 Oscars in that. They are not very large yet as again, the one is only 5-6 inches and the smaller is 3-4. I'm sure a 55 gallon is big enough for them until I can get a bigger tank. When I get ahold of a larger tank, the Oscars will move into that, and all the African cichlids will move into the 55.

I have a separate quarantine tank as well.

Does anyone have any other suggestions at the moment?

I really appreciate the help!
If you want a good deal on a tank, check craigslist.
I see 125 gallon tanks for $200 with everything all the time.
If you want a good deal on a tank, check craigslist.
I see 125 gallon tanks for $200 with everything all the time.

Jeez, I use Craigslist all the time. I suppose I never thought about searching for fish tanks on it... Duh :facepalm:. Haha, thanks! $200 for a 125 gallon with everything. What do you define as "Everything"? lol
Everything includes stand, tank lights, filters etc.
It really depends on your area also.
For example a tank in the new york area will prob be more expensive than a tank in kansas.
You can find someone wanting to move, and get rid of their tank, and you can get a killer deal.
Alot of members on here use craigslist for buying aquarium related stuff.
Ya gman where are you? Im in western mass and im looking for a 180 gall tank and im hoping for around $300. But good plan for now moving the Oscars in there.
As much as I use Craigslist, I cant believe I didn't think of looking up aquarium equipment lol
Im from missouri
I checked on cl, and most 180 gallon takes around were i live are in the 300-500 dollar range.
Some come with everything, some dont.
I guess its more or less the person, and how desperate he or she is to get rid of the tank.
i bought my 75g on craigslist for 20 dollars.... guy wanted it gone. came with nothing. i have cichlids and the smallest tank i have for them is a 55. they get big and they are territorial fish. they need space. i am in the process of getting a 220g set up for all the cichlids from both my 55 and my 75 to grow into. i got my 220g by trading a xbox for it. off of craigslist as well. it came with glass top lids and a couple power filters.

so as for advise? you made some beginners errors and you know it so not gonna pick on you for it. what i would do is get that 55 set up and move the oscars to it. but you also need another 55 or bigger for the african cichlids. so i would try to trade or sell the other tanks and the south african cichlids and use the funds to upgrade to another 55g. you got a strange mix of fish to have such small set ups for them. it is a matter of time before they all have fights to the death. stress levels have got to be high. which can invite sickness and ick into the tank. be carefull and research all your moves well. check out my cichlid tank picture thread. to see the space they like my 55g is about outgrown already not even a year old yet.
I definitely have to say I am pretty surprised at the trades you made..75g for $20 and then a 220g for an xbox... hmmm. lmao pretty neat though. I went to a LFS and they had a sale, $1/gallon.. well I took advantage of it (so much for a sale on my part :banghead:). Anyways, luckily I bought it when I did.

Yeah, I'm working on moving my Oscars over. I never knew they would have needed so much, but I think a lot of beginning Oscar owners make the same mistake; that I've heard of anyways. Definitely a set-back and a little disappointing that I've made so many errors this early on. Now African Cichlids, kinda the same with them...a bit surprised they need so much space, but I can understand in a way because of how territorial mine can be.
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