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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 1, 2012
Can somebody tell me about filter socks and ware you would put them in you filter system my filter system is built in to the back of the tank carbon sponge then skimmer then balls and ring so don't know if I can use one
Most filter socks are on the end of the outflow pipe to the sump. Not sure if you can put them on a hob filter. Those normally have their own filter media.
The reasoning for wanting to put something like a filter sock on a HOB filter or skimmer would be due to the return splashing and causing salt creep. When I ran into this problem, I just put panty hose on the return to resolve this issue.
Sniperhank said:
The reasoning for wanting to put something like a filter sock on a HOB filter or skimmer would be due to the return splashing and causing salt creep. When I ran into this problem, I just put panty hose on the return to resolve this issue.

So you wouldn't use it as part of your filter media or is it I just don't need it as such with the type of filter system I've got
Think I'll give that a try thanks for that nice picture of you
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