Some pix of my tanks

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 9, 2009
North Carolina
Thought I'd share a few of my tanks here. I don't have pictures of my 55 gallon that houses my JD pair, of the 37 gallon w/ yellow labs or the 5.5 betta tank.

125 oscar tank. Running a fluval 404 and a rena xp3. Has 2 regular 24 inch fluorescent fixtures mounted in the canopy, and has 2 72in VHO actinic bulbs mounted in the canopy as well. This tank houses 1 small oscar (lost the big one last week to unknown cause), a eupterus cat, 13 tiger barbs, 1 common pleco, 1 buenos aires tetra (he was kicked out of the planted tank about 2 years ago for eating plants, he just hangs with the barbs now).

125 african tank. Currently running a fluval 404, but will be changing to a rena xp 3 in the next day or so, with 260w PC lighting (overkill for non Houses assorted africans, has been set up ~2 months.

75 planted community tank. Running T5-4X54w with a fluval 404 filter. Stock is black skirt tetras, 2 rope fish, 3 upside down catfish, albino-schwartz-bronze cory cats, banjo cat, blue and gold gouramis, 4 siamese algae eaters, cherry barbs, 1-angelicus loach, 1- yoyo loach, silver tetra, a sword tail, 1 angel. I'm unsure how many fish are in this tank. I haven't added any new fish in ~ a year.

Here's a link to the new thread with updated pics.
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I have come to the conclusion that fish prefer the wood floating rather then sunk.

Very nice tanks.

Fish cant tan, duh.
How did i miss this thread. Great tanks blueiz. If you ever get rid of those ropefish i would love to take them off your hands. I can't find them ANYwhere down here for the life of me. They would go in well with my senegal bichir. (i know there a kind of bichir, lol)
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