something on plants....??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
I dont know if this is hair algea or what but i have grayish looking clumps of stringy things frowing in between and on my plants, the plants are still healthy but i dont know what it is or how to get rid of it, and it doesnt look lke roots lol. (plants are java ferns if you wanted to know)
Does it look like spider webs? I have artificial plants, but I have that in my 10 gal. It looks whitish in the tank, but when I pull it out, it's green.
is it sticky? as in will catch any debris or fish?! ive got some staghorn algae ( i think ), if my rams swim into it, they actually have to work to get free! I just wrap it round my finger and pull it out... not sure how to get rid of it... i did read a post on plantgeek about it, but lost it... got a feeling it had something to do with phosphates or trace elements :?
Definitely check out the algae article at and see if you can identify it, and there will also be suggestions on how to get rid of it.
ill check the parameters in a moment but it doesnt look like spider webs , more like the giant dust balls you see in those old western shoot outs lol. Ill check plant geek to.

*Its definitly staghorn algea, its on my plants taht are very near the top of my tank, i dont think its hurting it so ill leave it for now. It doesnt matter because im getting rid of the plants in a month or less when i redo the aqua scape.
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