For Sale: South American Redtail Catfish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 9, 2011
Pocono's Pennsylvania
Who wants one of these beauties! Make me an offer
currently 2 inches.

Ph level - 7.4-7.6
  • Water temp. - 74-80 °F
  • Tank mates - Fish that are larger than the catfish's mouth
  • Feeding - Bloodworms, krill shrimp, fish fillets, pellets, whole shrimp ect. (will eat most anything placed in tank)
  • Mature size - 4 to 5 feet in lenth, 80-120 lbs

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How fast do they grow? I want one of these so bad but I think I wont be able to take care of it.
They grow about 6 to 8 inches a year. I had one for 9 years and he only maxed out at 2 1/2 feet. Beautiful fish he was. Lots of people have opinions on these catfish. You need to do your research first to see if your willing to commit yourself to a red tail.
For me it was years of complete pleasure owning one of these catfish. Truly a special and rewarding experience.
So in one year I am looking at a tank jump from 30gal to over a 120gal? I have done research but I like personal experience a lot more.
If you get a 150 gallon tank for your next tank you will be good for a few years. I went from a 55g to a 90g to a 150g to a 280g this all took place over 4 years. It all depends on how fast he grows. If you over feed he will grow faster. Hope this helps. Anymore questions just ask.
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