Spots appearing on sand...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 16, 2009
Dayton, OH
I am having these spots appear on my sand, and I was wondering what they might be, I haven't tried to vacuum or anything to see if that would help. I figure that would only cover it up or spread it around. This is a white aquarium sand, not PFS. Any ideas?


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probably algae of some sort.. maybe diatoms? either way, its probably lighting related.. id say vac it up, stir it around, shouldnt have any problems... btw that stuff is really white, i like the look
It looks like algae. It could be diatom or maybe some type of red algae. Causes is newly set up tank, lights on to long, or overfeeding or any combination.
I'm guessing this is a new set up. It looks like diatom algae, this will go away once the tank matures :)
Agreed, diatom algae. It is common in newly set up tanks. It should go away as it matures. Let me ask you though, was this an established tank and you swapped substrates? If so, I would watch your parameters very closely over the next few weeks to make sure you don't go through a mini-cycle. A quick fix would be to just stir the sand around and cover it up.
It is a newly established tank, new everything. I will watch my levels and do a little vac.

Thanks for the replies.
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