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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
my girlfriend saw a starfish at the LFS that she liked and would like to get for our tank at some point but i am wondering it will work with corals, which i intend to get, and with certain fish. it is a brittle starfish. i looked it up on saltwaterfish and it said it sometimes hunts fish at night while they are sleeping. would this startfish be a bad choice with the fish i plan on getting ( 2 false percs, royal gramma, and possible a blenny or a goby) ?

does anyone have and possible suggestions of other starfish i may look into if this ones isnt right for my tank. oh yeah sorry i have a 30gal tank, with 50 pounds of live rock and sone to be Caribsea sand bed once i take out my CC.
If what you were considering is the green brittle star, I'd pass. I have kept other brittle stars though without issue. However, a safer bet would be to go with a serpent star.
In a reef tank any star is with caution. My serpant was fine for over a yr then after my cleaner shrimps dissappeared i bought a new one and not even 1 minute in the tank and my serpant grabbed it. They would be fine for the coral but its your CUC youll see go.
And yet I've kept them for years without issue in a reef tank so I guess your mileage may vary. They do require spot feeding. Bits of meaty foods will be accepted eagerly.
I agree that serpent stars are the safer choice, but in a 30g some may grow too large...
thanks alot i will look into the serpent star, i dont want to have to be replacing my CUC all the time just so this starfish can have the thrill of the hunt
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