Start of a long relationship (planted tank journal)

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I doubt it. They're much cheaper snacks though and they should be able to breed quickly enough to offset predation if you have some plant cover for them.
I doubt it. They're much cheaper snacks though and they should be able to breed quickly enough to offset predation if you have some plant cover for them.

Yes I have plans for a densely planted tank so hopefully their easy breeding nature can offset my angels' appetites. That is when I eventually get around to setting up the heavily planted tank :rolleyes:
Updated FTS:
I just got it again recently as well. It happened right after I started turning off the CO2 at night. Hopefully I can stop it now.
Let the nutrient balancing act begin! I'm dealing with some pretty nasty algae right now as well. Don't feel bad!
I'm in the same boat. I'm going to go pick up an oto today to get the job done. It seems that when the weather finally starts getting better the algae goes nuts
Viper said:
Yes I have plans for a densely planted tank so hopefully their easy breeding nature can offset my angels' appetites. That is when I eventually get around to setting up the heavily planted tank :rolleyes:

I put some CRS shrimp in my 55 from the Shrimp tank I keep and they disappeared for a few months only to reappear a few months latter. They seem to be breeding pretty well in there now there are lots of them. Plant and driftwood cover seems to work well.

Sent from Sean's iPad using Aquarium
Let the nutrient balancing act begin! I'm dealing with some pretty nasty algae right now as well. Don't feel bad!

My nutrients are balanced about as good as the tires on my lawnmower... I have yet to get ferts, which I'm sure is a big factor in this.

On an unrelated note, I lost the last of my 5 angels today :( I'm pretty sure angels are not going to be part of this tank after all. To lose 5 with, what I consider, ideal water parameters, I just can't do it. I hadn't lost a fish since I started keeping aquariums until I set this one up. I lost one kerri, for unknown reasons the night I got them... I was expecting that. To lose 5 angels though? Seriously??
mfdrookie516 said:
Alright... so here are the lights...

coming out of the box:

On the tank:

Horrible above the tank shot:

Note: I have removed the glass tops... at least for now. If evap isn't a big issue, I'll most likely leave them off. If not, well, I will put them back on. I guess we will see.

What site u get them lights from and if u don't mind me asking, what's the price of them
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