Start of a long relationship (planted tank journal)

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I counted over 20 shrimp today. Not sure if you could see in that first picture or not, but they've colored up and grown up nicely! Also, if you notice, I have about 10x the amount of glosso that you sent... considering that I put half in my 125 and half in here.
Tank's starting to look really nice.

You should be able to scrub that algae off the driftwood. I usually just take it out and scrub it in the sink really hard. I'm sure you know what your doing though. Looks good.
I am afraid to take it out again. Last time I did, I found 4 or 5 shrimp on the carpet. There are holes in it and that's apparently where they enjoy spending a lot of time. It's going away though. A little H2O2 every now and then, along with my new ferts regimine and a little more co2 and most of the algae has gone away. It was pretty bad for a while.
Wow! It looks incredible...I'd never leave re room! I'd just stare at it all day!
LOL thanks, we knew you would like them! Those and the emperors are some of the most colorful tetras out there IMO. :)

Great work on the BBA, BTW. That's one that's always been a real thorn in my side. :p
Did some more re-arranging today... Liking this new look a little more.

here's a horrible iPhone pic...

it doesn't look horrible to me at all...great job. +1 with alisha with everything flows together...great are getting so good with aquascaping...
+1 to the above comments. Your tank looks very natural, your eye is continually moving throughout the scene and never is stopped in just one place.
Tank looks great!!! +++1 on all the above comments

Sent from my iPod touch using Aquarium
I learned a valuable lesson today. While looking at my tank the last 2 days, I've noticed a lot of hair algae. I started thinking it was the ferts, since it just started coming in. I looked at my drop checker, which was blue. I thought that I was out of co2. Great. But wait... it still shows that it has plenty of pressure, but no bubbles in the bubble counter. Timer is on... working since I unplugged it and heard the solenoid. Hmmm.... Crank up the pressure, turn the needle valve up some, a few bubbles, then none. Ahhh, while messing around with everything on Friday evening, I moved my canister. Somehow, I sat it right on the co2 tubing. Crimped it shut. great... no co2 for 3 whole days. Ahhhh! Oh well. Learned that co2 tubing should be routed away from any heavy objects that may accidentally be sat on top of it!

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