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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2005
Houston Texas
I have a 72 gallon bowfront tank that i am going to re do. Currently having 1 boring flower horn in my tank i am planning to drain the old water because i am sure with 4-6 months of just minor cleaning i am pretty sure my water is pretty much bad. I want to start a PLANTED tank. So please give me some good model numbers on CO2 tanks etc. And i want to buy a new wet dry vac what do yall recommend? I am very new to this so i am trying to get all the info i can on setting up this CO2 stuff in my tank... 8O 8O 8O I am a NOOB once again...


one more thing is there a way i can bump this thread up once it gets bumped down?
Sorry can't help you with the CO2 but if you wanna bump up the thread simply reply to it with any info or simply type *bump*
I'm almost sure you will need to buy new lighting for your tank unless you have already upgraded, as the stock lighting that comes with your tank will provide nowhere near enough WPG to grow even low light plants. If you have 2 or more WPG you will definitely need CO2, but in a tank that large if you need CO2 it will have to be a pressurized setup. A DIY plan may be an option but I've never done it so I can't remember if it can be done on tank that large. You'll need to dose ferts as well. Also, there are special substrates that are designed for plant growth that you may want to look into, like Eco Complete and such. The folks that hang out in the Planted Tank Forum will be a lot more help than I am though, maybe try posting over there.

We're supposed to wait 24 hours to bump a thread, BTW.
You'll get more answers to your CO2 questions in this forum.

In the meantime, read the stickies at the top of the page - most basic planted tank info is already there.

Finally, if you move the cursor over an abbreviation and keep it there for a moment, the full meaning of the abbreviation will pop up. This works in Firefox and Internet Explorer - not sure about other browsers.
WPG = watts per gallon. You can find out by dividing the wattage of your lights by the number of gallons your tank holds.

DIY = do it yourself. There may be some DIY CO2 plans here in the articles section of the site, but like I said I don't know if you can do that in a tank as big as yours. For your sake I hope so because those pressurized CO2 setups are pretty pricey, and way out of the realm of my personal finances. :wink: Or, if you just go with low light plants (< 2 WPG), you can skip the CO2 altogether and still have beautiful plants, they just won't grow very fast and it will take a while for the plants to fill in.

BTW = by the way. :)

What kind of lighting and filtration do you currently have?
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