Sterbai cory's

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 5, 2011
Erie, pennsylvania
I've been breeding fish now for 21 years and I've recently started working with sterbai cory's. I've raised a few so far but any secrets or tips would be much appreciated thanks.
Are you asking about getting them to spawn, or just to raise the fry/juvies? I noticed that you have raised a few, so I'm assuming you have luckily managed to get them to breed, but I just want to clarify.
Nakinata said:
Are you asking about getting them to spawn, or just to raise the fry/juvies? I noticed that you have raised a few, so I'm assuming you have luckily managed to get them to breed, but I just want to clarify.

Sorry I should've put that they breed all the time I just have a poor fry survival ratio so any tips in that department would be great thanks!:) it seems like out of every 20 eggs I save to hatch only 8 or 9 make it to adulthood healthy.
This guy I know has a small clear container for fry, perhaps 1-2 gallons. He puts the eggs in a net, the same ones used to catch fish, and he places the eggs in the net and puts it in the container until it just gets enough water for it to float, and then he pins it again the container with magnets. He also places an airstone underneath it, he claims to have 99% success rate. Here's a picture to clarify.
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