Stock list for 40g Long.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 22, 2011
Stock list #1:
3- Apistogramma Cacatuoides (1 Male, 2 Female)
12- Zebra Danio
10- Rummynose Tetra
6- Panda/Albino/Sterbai Cory


Stock List #2:

1- Angelfish
1-Bolivian Ram
12- Zebra Danio or possibly Danio Choprai/Longfin White Cloud
10- Rummynose Tetra
6- Panda/Albino/Sterbai Cory


Stock List #3

2- Pearl Gourami
12- Zebra Danio
8- Threadfin Rainbow (2 males 6 female) (Would Gourami be too aggresive towards them if they tried to breed.)
6- Panda/Albino/Sterbai Cory

I know the Cory like a little cooler water than the rest of my stock listed fish, but would they be happy and stress-free at say 76?

I could use some advice on what you guys think I should go with. I'm 100% on the compatibility on all of these, though I think they shouldn't be too bad from what I've read.
Subtrate is sand and it is planted with Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubais, Amazon Sword, and soon be a bunch of Water Sprite floating/possibly planted.
You should do the longfin danios or white clouds :)
I'll have to see what they have at our lfs when I go to stock, or check out what HN1 and SM have in their stock.

If SM and HN1 still have those Longfin White Clouds I'll DEFINITELY be getting those over a zebra danio.
Flash081 said:
I'll have to see what they have at our lfs when I go to stock, or check out what HN1 and SM have in their stock.

Cool :) good luck :)
If that's the White cloud mountain minnows ur talking about they are awesome to watch, when I had mine I had two that I swear were taking it in turns to play hide and seek, one would hide the other would swim round looking for it and when he did find him, he went off to hide and the roles reversed lol
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