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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Do you think I can add any more chili Rasboras withought increasing nitrates too much? Also, do you think I'm completely stocked? It's a shrimp tank, so low levels of nirtates are best. Thanks!


7 Chili Rasboras
40 red cherry shrimp
2 Otos
1 horned nerite
2 micro crabs
A Few Ramshorn snails
jetajockey said:
Tank size? Adding a couple more is probably not going to impact your tank in any significant way, they are pretty tiny things.

Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot to say that, sorry lol it's a 10G heavily planted:)
I've read that they should be in schools of 8-10. should I max out the school or just get one more?
jetajockey said:
As long as you aren't having any nitrate issues I'd get a couple more, but it's your call. I hate filling tanks to capacity so I try to stay out of it, lol.

Oh ok, I were to upgrade the school to 9, would The tank be completely stocked? Yeah, I'm going to try and avoid completely stocking the tank.

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