Stocking 29 gallon hex fowlr

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2013
Good evening,

I'm almost done with my cycle and have been trying to wrap my head around what I want to stock in this thing, I've probably poured fifty hours into researching what works and trying to fit what the girlfriend wants since it was her 29 hex I turned from fresh to salt.

The tank has 30 lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live sand. I've made it so the rocks are tall and have plenty of caves and hiding spaces.

If it was a normal 29 I could figure it out, but with such an odd footprint I don't want to run into territory issues. I do weekly 10% water changes and test everyday, and have a reef octopus HB-1000 which sucks out everything. I've also got two koralia powerheads one going up the other going down to keep ph and flow normal.

I was thinking a pair of snowflake clowns or black clowns and a valentini puffer, but then I had no idea what I could do for a cuc since the puffer would eat them all, so then I thought about the clowns and a flame or lemon peel angel. Cardinal fish are great too, but since it is a tall tank with lots of rock work I want to stick with fish that will be comfortable swimming up and down throughout the rocks and bottom dwelling fish to stir up the sand so that I have something on every level. I love wathcing all the sand sifting fish. It is a new tank and will have only been running for about 5 weeks before I add the first fish so I won't have a giant copepod population. There are also two bristleworms that hitchhiker their way into my tank. I don't know how I feel about them yet.

Anyone have thoughts on a stocking list for this 29 tall hex? If I think about it anymore my head will explode and I know some people love this.

It is 24 inches high and each of the six panes is 10 and 3/8 inches wide making it about 21 inches wide going from vector to opposite vector.

All help is greatly appreciated. I don't want to overstock, just make it as comfortable and lively as I can.

- Jack
I think the clowns might be okay. I'm honestly not sure about a puffer in a hex. I've never had a puffer, but maybe someone else can advise in that? I'd think some nano fish would be interesting. The dwarf angels should really be in a 75 IMO. Not sure how they would be with the vertical aspect either.
I wouldn't advise the puffer, a have a bennet's in a 4ft long and he racks up the miles swimming from one end to another. If it were me I would go with the clowns, a couple of cardinals (I have gold stripe, they are pretty cool) maybe a purple firefish and wait it out for a dragonet.
Thanks for the help, I love my LFS, but I'm much farther from them than is used to be and if fish started killing each other I'd have nowhere to re-home them, before when it was a fresh tank I could throw arguing fish in the 125 and problem solved.

I was worried about fish jumping out the back where the hang on back skimmer is, it'd be rough to wrap netting all around the plumbing. Do lawnmower blennys do we'll in newly set up tanks? I also got a bit of aiptasia on some live rock, only about 3 small ones, but if I could get anything that would take care of that before it got out of hand that'd be great too.

Thanks for the help
Look into an algae blenny they're ugly but have a great personality and they control your algae mine ways as much or more off the glass then my turbo snails. Also a purple fire fish as long as you have a lid
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