Stocking a 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 25, 2011
How would you stock a 10 gallon tank.. it has to include one betta:) :fish2:

Im only a newby as well but...

A betta would be hapiest by itself in a 10 gallon as Rich said...

But what people have suggested to me as options are:

Pygmy cordoras
Neons tetras
cardinals tetras
embers tetras
wcm minnows
Harlequin rasboras
African Dwarf frog
Ghost shrimp
And some snails

But this completely dependant on the Betta itself and some tetras will nip at betta and others wont it seems to be down to luck.

Im still cycling and without fish but thats what people have recommended to me just make sure lots of plants and hiding places
It really depends on your betta's personality. Mine won't let anything except maybe a snail in his tank. In a 10g with a betta, you might could do 6 small tetras and a few ghost shrimp. However, there is no gurantee that your betta would take kindly to his tankmates.
Good luck with that, my betta will not tolerate any other tank mate. If you want a community betta, buy one at the lfs that is already in a community tank.
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