Stocking a 20 gal tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 12, 2011
I have a 20 gallon tank with 8 GloFish that are not fully mature yet, the biggest one is a tiny bit over an inch. I would really like to add a few celestial pearl danios in there as well. I was thinking 3 or 4.
Will that number be enough to keep the celestial pearls happy and will it over stock my tank? I know they don't get very big and are less active than the GloFish.
moheesviolin said:
I have a 20 gallon tank with 8 GloFish that are not fully mature yet, the biggest one is a tiny bit over an inch. I would really like to add a few celestial pearl danios in there as well. I was thinking 3 or 4.
Will that number be enough to keep the celestial pearls happy and will it over stock my tank? I know they don't get very big and are less active than the GloFish.

Maybe six or seven, CPD like to be in schools and are very timid if not kept in the appropriate size.
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