Stocking fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 27, 2012
I anyone knows how much fish can be in a 75 gallon tank I know one inch of fish per gallon of water but I'm lost in that area want a good stock of compatible fishes I'm new to saltwater hobby want do the right setup but only once I'm thinking of the ecosystem filtration what's the best protein skimmer to use in the sump I'm lost here with equipment to buy and advice from anyone who bin the saltwater hobby for a long time can help me on deciding and us a bow front tank good shape ok for a saltwater tank and reef
How many fish will depend on what kind of fish and setup you will have. Is this already running or are you in the setup process now.
1" of fish per gal is one of the freshwater rule of thumbs. For saltwater you will be pushing it at 1" per 3 gals. I would stop at 1"/5 gal added over time. If your filtration can handle that after 6 months then perhaps bump it up to 1"/3 gal.
Keep in mind that those rules are for the approximate amount of water in the tank, not the tank size. A 75g with live rock is not necessarily 75 gallons.
It'll definitely depend on the width of the fish too, and how much waste they produce. A Firefish can be about the same length as a b/w clown, but is thinner and makes less waste. So the 1"/ 5g isn't that great of a rule.
Thanks every one you all helping me out make feel good cause I'm new with saltwater hobby
List the fish you are thinking of getting and we'll help you fugure out how many will work in your your tank.
Yellow tang blue tang clownfish dwarf angel angel fish butterflyfish damsels
Like to make a nice community tank and is it true damsels eat corals
Butterfly fish eat coral. With the exception of the foxface. Blue tang gets too big. Damsels don't eat corral but are really mean and will terrorize your tank.
Ok so what do you suggest I like clownfish yellow tangs any other mice fish to go with them
Okay the yellow tang might be a little cramped but should be alright in a 75 if there's lots of swimming room.

Umm it's up to you. In my 90 gallon which has the same foot print as a 75... I will have:

1 scooter blenny
2 clowns
3 chromis
3 bangaii cardinals
1 engineer goby
1 foxface
1 reef safe wrasse
I think that's it haha

You could get the yellow tang, 2 clowns.... What else do you like? Look at the fish I listed above. Plus there are dartfish and real blennys and real gobies.

The smaller the fish the more you can have. The bigger the fish, the less.
Thanks I'll keep that in mind after I get tank and equipment and after tank cycles too
Foxface are really cool and colorful. I love my starry blenny, but there are lots of other blennies to choose from. Bartletts anthias are pretty, but they like to school, so 2 would be better than 1. There's lots of reef-safe wrasses that you could choose from.
All that you listed I thinking I keep mind stock
solo said:
Yellow tang blue tang clownfish dwarf angel angel fish butterflyfish damsels

Yellow Tang in a 75g is not ideal. Really should be in a 120g. People will argue this. I lean towards agreeing with the 6' rule for most Tangs. There are some that will work great in a 75g (Tomoni, Blue Eye, Kole, etc )

Blue Tang= no way, gonna get too big.

Clowns= good.

Dwarf Angels=good.

Regular angels= most need 120g or larger.

Butterflies= some will work, they just tend to be tough to keep alive.
So yellow tang no good for a 75g tank what about 100g tank and what's the measurement of of a 120g tank I was thinking of a bow front tank
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