Stocking fliter, and cycling questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 21, 2005
Houghton MI
Hi, this is my first post here. I'm a member over on, but don't post too much there. I didn't get much of a response to my question there, so I was hoping someon here could point me in the right direction.

I currently have a 29G tank with a single 6-7" Jack Depsey in it. He's my pride and joy, and since he's started another growth spurt, I decided to plunk down the cash on a new 90 Gallon. I was also hoping to add some tank mates at this time. My fiancee loves Common Plecos, so one of those is deffinately on the list. Some of my favorite fish are Oscars, Angelfish, Green Texas cichlids, Blood Parrots, and Pacus. I was wondering if any or all of these might be suitable tank mates for my JD. I'm open to any and all suggestions though.

I have visited all of the local pet stores (4 of them) and all of them offer conflicting adivce. One told me not to put south americans in with my JD, that only Africans can go in with him, and the other store said africans were no good, and that only SA's can go in with him :roll: At this point, I don't have a clue which way is up...

I think I have my filter picked out... I don't have the money for a high end Eheim, or a Fluval, so Im leaning towards the Magnum 350 Pro, with the twin Biowheels. This would also simplify my cycling because my current tank has a biowheel in it that I could swap with one of the new ones in my new filter setup.

Would this be sufficient for a bio film type cycle?

I've tried this in the past, going from a larger tank to a smaller one, but never from a smaller to a larger tank. I would think that with some of the water from the 29, and the bio wheel out of the 29, that a single JD and a Pleco could be sustained untill the bacteria reached full strength.

Anyways, thanks in advance for replies.
I just picked up a used 90 gallon with a Magnum 350 and was told that the Magnum with only a 350 gal/hr turnover rate wasn't enough on it's own for that size tank. I had thought about adding the biowheels to it but instead just purchaced an Emperor 400 HOB filter (about the same price as adding the boiwheels to the existing filter for me). It has the bio wheels and adds a lot of additional filtering and should only cost you about $20-$30 more.
just remember though, it isnt the water column that makes your tank cycled its the establish if you decide to move your biowheel over and all of the ornaments and substrate, you should be fine

chime on peoples
Welcome to AA!

It's a good call that you decided to upgrade the tank. You wouldn't believe how many people think that large fish can be kept in small tanks if they are alone. :D Kudo's to you!

Regarding the filter, you may want to look into a Canister over a hob for a 90 gal tank. They are more efficient and flexible. When you get into the larger tanks, Canisters seem to be easier to maintain. For an option (and everyone has their favorite brand), check out this:;category_id=1711;pcid1=2885;pcid2=

For the biological in the canisters just replace the AC with ceramic rings. :D No need for the bio-wheels.

JD's are aggressive and you need to be careful in choosing tankmates. They can be kept with Africans, but as long as they are larger. The JD will eat smaller fish. The tank should be heavily planted (real or fake) and provide many hiding places. They are very territorial. There isn't a problem with the pleco though. He will pretty much mind his own business. :D The angels wouldn't be a good idea. The parrots and Green Texas are both semi-aggressive, so I wouldnt chance it. The Pacu is out just because of it's sheer size. You could try the Oscar, but he is also semi-aggressive. When it comes to the JD, it's pretty much trial and error. You could try the Green Texas and the Oscar, but be sure to over filter the tank. I wouldn't do the parrots though. They are slow growers and could become food relatively soon for the JD.

I hope this helps answer your questoins. :D
I would stick with SA's or Central american Cichlids with the Jack Dempsey.. Just stick to fish that wont end up fitting in your JD's mouth when it gets bigger (Ohh and it will! LOL) :mrgreen:
Canister filters are good.. A sump with a wet/dry would also be a good option as well (since your going to have a large bio-load if you decide to go with the green texas and oscar) If you do decide to go with a sump I would put some light over it an add some low light plants to try and battle some of the NO3 problems your likely to have in the future.. HTH
Thanks for all the good advice!! I havent seen that canister filter befre... I'll have to look into it some more. The thing I like about the Magnum is the biowheels... I could transfer my current wheel to th new filter, along with my water, an be basically instantly cycled.

I was told by my LFS that I should invest in a Rena XP3... thats all well and good, except for th sub 300 dollar price tag. I'm going to see if I can find the funds to invest in a good filter, if not, I'm leaning towards the Magnum Pro still, along with with an emperor 400 also. It could come out cheaper in the long run, and provide decent fitration.

**EDIT** Holy Crap!!! I never looked on bigals... My LFS wants 300 bucks for a fluval, and a rena XP3.... they're less than 150 on there... at that plice I could afford a fluval or a Rena... YES!!!
Ive decided that I think I'm going to have to do trial and error to find tank mates. None of the stores around here have larger fish, most are still small, so I'm going to wait till I head back to school to get fish. My store there stocks some larger parrots, oscars and the like... I'll just have to be very careful.

I got the pleco today... Its a very large 8" long comon pleco. They seem to get along well so far. I have them both in the 29G right now, but that will only be for a week, tops. The tank is on order, and will be here Tuesday. I've decided to go with artificial plants, simply because my JD is a digger, and wont leave anything in its place.

My JD poked the pleco a couple of times, and that was about it... more curious than agressive. Seems like those two will get along fine.

I'm thinking of making a 3D background out of foam and concrete too, since there wont be a whole lot else in the tank, and the "Planting" artificial plants in it. I really like the one background one member here did of the face and "Brick" background. I'm thinking of trying something like it, Im running out of time and funds though, so we'll see.

If all else fails, It'll just be a Dempsey and Pleco tank. Back at school, our one computing lab has a tank, and there is a poor 10" pleco stuffed in a ~15G tank.... :cry: I'm going to see if they would trade him for a more appropriate fish, and he'll become a new resident of my tank.

thanks gainf ro the help!!
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