stocking for the first time

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Really depends. Whats the size of your tank and how many of each fish do you have in there? Are you planning male or female?

Provived your tank isn't over stocked you'd have a better chance with adding a female but it's not a given. I'd have a back up plan for the betta just in case as personalities vary greatly from fish to fish. Some will do fine in community tanks while others can't even by kept with shrimp or snails.
I have a 45 gallon tank. And no fish yet. I am still doing a fishless cycle. Just thinking about the fish I want to put in. Thought the Siamese would be a nice addition simply because they are so cool looking.
I have a 45 gallon tank. And no fish yet. I am still doing a fishless cycle. Just thinking about the fish I want to put in. Thought the Siamese would be a nice addition simply because they are so cool looking.

I agree with the answer above. To my understanding (though I've never tried it), a betta in a community tank is a gamble. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Were it me, I would try to find a different 'cool looking' fish with a greater chance of getting along with everyone else in the tank.
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