stocking help for a 40g hex planted.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
Long Beach, CA
I have two lighting rigs that each have the 15watt plant lights. I'm not sure how that works out for watts per gallon because of the height of the tank. Also not sure how to stock this tank.

help please.....
so 30 total watts, over a 40gallon hex, which is taller than normal.

Well, 30 divided by 40 is less than 1. You have about .75 watts per gallon, which is only suitable for the lowest of low light plants: anubias bartari v. nana, java ferns, and some crypt species. I wouldn't even try java fern at that light level unless you float it.

as for fish stocking, that's up to you, but I would avoid anything that's really active, since you're limited on the horizonal swimming space, and most fish like swimming on a horizontal plane more than a vertical plane.
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