I have a 125gal tank that I'm trying to restock after I had a few fish die (I missed an ick problem until it was too late I think). I currently have to gold severums, two pleco, three lace catfish, one feather fin cat and two peacock eels. The feather fin is about 5", eels 4" and all others about 2" or 3". The tank has drift wood, rock and lightly planted (fake). My question is, I would like to get a couple of firemouth meekis and a few electric yellow cichlids. I'll keep adding on from here in the future so I want to be sure to keep a good community tank. I am reading conflicting information on the above cichlids with some saying both species are very gentle and some saying they are aggressive. I think these guys would be a very interesting addition.
p.s. I plan on getting a hospital tank to keep these guys in for a while before adding them to the tank given the disaster I ran into with about 9 fish dying.
I have a 125gal tank that I'm trying to restock after I had a few fish die (I missed an ick problem until it was too late I think). I currently have to gold severums, two pleco, three lace catfish, one feather fin cat and two peacock eels. The feather fin is about 5", eels 4" and all others about 2" or 3". The tank has drift wood, rock and lightly planted (fake). My question is, I would like to get a couple of firemouth meekis and a few electric yellow cichlids. I'll keep adding on from here in the future so I want to be sure to keep a good community tank. I am reading conflicting information on the above cichlids with some saying both species are very gentle and some saying they are aggressive. I think these guys would be a very interesting addition.
p.s. I plan on getting a hospital tank to keep these guys in for a while before adding them to the tank given the disaster I ran into with about 9 fish dying.