stocking ideas!?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 28, 2010
san jose,ca
what are some cool semi aggressive cichlids i could get for a 55 gallon or like any ideas for lively active group of fish i say cichlids because i always see them digging and stuff but anyway yah any suggestions can be species only or a community lemme know hoping to see some names of fish iv never heard of
As far as cichlids I think a great combo is yellow labs and demasoni although with demasoni you need at least 12. If you do community you have a ton of options. I am working on stocking a 55 community right now and I am really into rummy nose tetras. My plan is to do a big school or rummynose (like 18) some cherry barbs and a pair or 2 of rams, oh and a trio of oto cats.
Why not consider the varied Malawi cichlids, I don't know much about them, but I think they are a bit 'species only' and they are quite territorial.

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