Stocking List

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 14, 2017
United States
Okay so i'm getting ready to stock a 55G soon, and here is about my list I believe...
- 4 Angelfish
- 1 Gourami (Pearl Possibly)
- 1 Clown Pleco
- 1 Ruby Shark/Rainbow Shark
- 4 Boeseman's Rainbowfish

1. So how do you guys think this would work out?

2. And Also I checked the list with the app My Aquarium and it said 51/55 Gallons required and I also checked with Aqadvisor and it said my stocking level was 128% (I'm not too sure what the % means though but there isn't any over stocked warnings or anything) so it wouldn't be too full then I assume correct?
Aquavisor is a nice tool but I would not blindly follow it. I think stocking is a little heavy imo. This setup would also eliminate opportunities to keep shrimp if thats a concern.
Aquavisor is a nice tool but I would not blindly follow it. I think stocking is a little heavy imo. This setup would also eliminate opportunities to keep shrimp if thats a concern.

I thought it seemed like it added a few extra gallons but I just went with it, but no i'm not planning on having shrimp
If it were me id look at smaller species so you could even have more fish. But thats me
If it were me id look at smaller species so you could even have more fish. But thats me

I had thought about some galaxy rasboras the most probably then I was concerned about them getting eaten by the angles or something else. Then I thought of like neon tetras, congo tetras, or some zebra danios
So angels are a must? What about the shark ? Get big for even a 55
So angels are a must? What about the shark ? Get big for even a 55

The angels and the Shark are really the only things that i'm really wanting to have for sure, and after lots of forum reading and google searches and talking to people IMO I think it should be fine
Give it a shot. Im more of a species guy not a community guy. I know what fish fits in what but I like low bioloads.
I have had most of these fish in my 55 gallon. If you are going to have fast moving fish like rainbows and Congo tetras then don't have pearl gourami, they don't like fast moving fish and will not be comfortable. Congo tetras, I had 8 and they got so large they took over the whole tank. They were beautiful though. I had 4 angelfish and they were great until they all grew up and started chasing each other and all other fish and the whole tank was very nervous. So I rehomed 2 and the 2 left continued to keep everyone else upset. And they weren't even a breeding pair yet.
Even that large a tank takes time to figure out what fish are compatible while living in a limited space together.

I have ended up with 4 pearl gourami, lots of Cardinal tetras, Kuhli loaches and one angelfish in a planted tank. And I have a peaceful tank where the fish are relaxed and show their natural behavior. I realize this is not what everyone is after. Good luck and enjoy your tank!
I have had most of these fish in my 55 gallon. If you are going to have fast moving fish like rainbows and Congo tetras then don't have pearl gourami, they don't like fast moving fish and will not be comfortable. Congo tetras, I had 8 and they got so large they took over the whole tank. They were beautiful though. I had 4 angelfish and they were great until they all grew up and started chasing each other and all other fish and the whole tank was very nervous. So I rehomed 2 and the 2 left continued to keep everyone else upset. And they weren't even a breeding pair yet.
Even that large a tank takes time to figure out what fish are compatible while living in a limited space together.

I have ended up with 4 pearl gourami, lots of Cardinal tetras, Kuhli loaches and one angelfish in a planted tank. And I have a peaceful tank where the fish are relaxed and show their natural behavior. I realize this is not what everyone is after. Good luck and enjoy your tank!

This seems a bit more scary now, I hope it could turn out fine though, and I didn't realize the congos got THAT big so thank you on that. Which Gourami species would you think could work the best? and I had thought about kuhli loaches but I don't think I would have the room with ^^ that stocking list, and thanks so much on the information !
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